Season 12 Episode 16: “Ladies Drink Free”
Created by Eric Kripke
Directed by Amyn Kaderali
Written by Meredith Glynn
Starring Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Ruth Connell, Mark Pellegrino
The CW
Air Date: Thursday, March 30th, 2017, 8:00pm
Last time on Supernatural, there was a hellhound on the loose (Dean’s favorite) as Lucifer’s main dog escaped the doghouse. This one was attacking off contract. Crowley’s (Mark Sheppard) lackeys let the dog out to see what was behind door #1 – Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino), who immediately killed said lackeys. Crowley had the last laugh as the real cage was the vessel. The hellhound was killed. Castiel contemplated joining his brothers in heaven.
Spoilers below.
Supernatural 12.16 “Ladies Drink Free” review: Werewolves are the monsters du jour. I appreciate the kid saying, “Have you ever seen a horror movie?” Finally, a kid that makes sense. She gets bit by a werewolf anyway.
Mick (Adam Fergus) wants to come along, but Sam (Jared Padalecki) has to babysit. They get into a kill or not kill werewolf debate. They stop at a fancy hotel (fancy for them), and Mick apologizes. Dean (Jensen Ackles) is excited about the “little baby shampoos.”
The girl has a bite, but Mick lies to the brothers. He goes back to kill her. They connect with Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton), who is on the case too. She wants to know what’s up with the Brit. They’re like “nerd soul mates,” Dean explains. Ha ha! They are!
They split up to retrace the dead girl’s steps. Claire called Sam an “old skeezer!” Don’t worry Jared, you are far from that! Dean and Mick go to the bar, and he sees right through Mick’s sketchy alibi. Sam also saw through right through Claire’s lie to Jody. She gets upset and walks away, so obviously gets attacked and bitten. Mick said they had been working on a cure, but have only tested on rodents. They need the blood of the sire. The brothers go look for the sire, while Mick is threatened to watch her and not hurt her. The sire bursts in and takes her. He ties her up and explains his lonely pack-less life. He tries to make her eat a heart, but she spits it in his face. She starts to turn.
Luckily, Mick put a tracker on her and they burst in. Everybody gets thrown into a wall, but they get the vial of blood. They inject her and she writhes in agony, as they stare worriedly.
But it ends up okay – the cure works. Everyone hugs, Mick gets a second chance, and Claire tells all to Jody (in a voicemail but it still counts). She rides off into the sunset to hunt… alone.
I really enjoy the one-offs. That is what made Supernatural so popular – the ability to take a break from the season long arc and just solve a monster case. Sure the Men of Letters is hanging around, but it is just so gratifying to get “a win.” The episode was as funny as they usually are, and this time at the expense of our heroes, but it’s all in good fun. I loved watching them be so protective of Claire. I had hoped Castiel (Misha Collins) might put in an appearance to help his “daughter,” but Sam and Dean did a good job covering for him. I’m looking forward to seeing Claire in future episodes. She’s tough and a perfect complement to their little team.
Supernatural airs Thursday nights at 8:00pm ET on The CW.
Ladies Drink Free (Ep# 1216)
A WOLF IN THE NIGHT — Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) let Mick Davies (guest star Adam Fergus) tag along on a case as they search for a werewolf. The three men run into Claire Novak (guest star Kathryn Love Newton), also working the hunt. However, the reunion is short lived after Claire is bitten and the brothers race to find a way to help her before she turns. Amyn Kaderali directed the episode written by Meredith Glynn (#1216). Original airdate 3/30/2017.
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