Twentieth Century Fox’s eternally popular animated series, The Simpsons, has been on the air for years and years and years now, but never has their opening sequence caused quite the stir that this past Sunday’s episode presented.
The opening, created by British graffiti artist Bansky, is traditional for the most part, side for the artist’s name tagged on a wall here and there. Traditional until the end that is; when it reaches the legendary couch gag at the end of every title sequence, things took an unexpected turn for the dark.
In fact, this little surprise was so dark, it’s set off a wave of controversy. And yes, while the gag is a bit depressing and bleak, it was only expected that certain people would scream and shout and complain, because that’s what people with clouded logic and a insatiable need for attention do. For the rest of us easy going folks, it’s easy to laugh at this knowing that it is just a cartoon, and that this quite obviously is not how things are really done on The Simpsons.
Put on your hard hat and click on over to the other side to see what has certain people in an adorable little uproar over a cartoon. And remember, unicorns don’t actually exist.
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