Death Masks
The Dresden Files, Book 5
By Jim Butcher
Hardcover | Paperback | Kindle
Released November 3, 2009
Today I present to you a book that has been out for a while, but represents a huge pivotal point in an ongoing series. If you haven’t read The Dresden Files books by Jim Butcher, you are seriously missing out. Butcher blends magic, mystery, and sarcasm in the perfect ratio to produce what I (and many who have read them) consider the best Contemporary Fantasy books available. I have recommended this series to probably a thousand folks in the past eight years and not one has ever returned one or complained they didn’t like it. That said, on to the review of Death Masks, which is Book 5 of the series.
Without giving away plot points, and thereby ruining the story or series for others, let me just say that so much happens in Death Masks that you don’t realize half of what’s happening until you are reminded of it in later volumes. This novel is a major turning point in the series in that it introduces a plethora of new characters that really help to flesh out the world of the protagonist.
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