As you may have noticed, our video team on the scene (I just made that up — gold star for me), Doug E. Karate and Rob E.Danger did a fantastic job of finding interesting things and people at Dragon*Con 2009 and showcasing them for all who didn’t attend to see.
This time around we have three pretty epic videos for you to enjoy — two interviews, and even an in-depth lesson in the Gothic culture. The first chat is with a woman talks about how she fell in love with The Green Lantern while watching the cartoons in Spanish growing up, and who even attended the convention dressed as a Lantern herself. Next up, you’ll meet a real, live inventor who brought along one of his creations. I can’t honestly tell you what it is or what it does, but it does throws a bunch of random phrases at you. The contraption is rather big and hangs around our new friend’s neck as he strolls. It actually kind of looks like an ’80s computer and a calculator had a romantic romp inside Jeff Goldblum’s The Fly machine, and then was teleported via the ship from Galaxy Quest, resulting in some form of inside-out electronic device.
After you check those out, prepare to take notes, as a couple of young kids will shatter all that you think you know about what Goth really is and what it means. If you’re like me, all you have to go on is what you’ve seen on South Park (Conformist!), and a little learnin’ will do help a lot. You’ll learn about what music they listen to, which ranges from exactly what you might expect to…bluegrass? You’ll discover that not all Gothic kids these days are total Satan groupies, and that some are actually Goth-Christian. And yes, you shall find out that there is in fact many “sub-species” to the overall Goth style, including the more bright and vivid Cyber-Goths, the Lolita Goths, and — wait for it — the confusing and highly contradictory Preppy Goth!
Click on over to see the videos. You know your curiosities have moved beyond temptation to pure necessity.
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