![Clockwork Princess banner Clockwork Princess banner]()
With just one week left until the March 19th release of Clockwork Princess, the final book in the Infernal Devices trilogy from author Cassandra Clare, our friends over at Simon & Schuster have made it possible for us to give away three copies of the book to a trio of our loyal readers.
Three (3) winners will receive:
- One (1) copy of Clockwork Princess, book three of the Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare.
TO ENTER: There’s just two simple steps:
(1) Go LIKE Geeks of Doom on Facebook. If you’re not a Facebook user, alternately, you can follow us on Twitter, or subscribe to the Geeks of Doom email digest. Click here to sign up.
(2) Fill out the entry form here below and submit. (Form is here after the jump.)
Good luck!
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