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Comic Review: Jesus Hates Zombies Vol. 4
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Jesus Hates Zombies, Vol. 4Jesus Hates Zombies
Yea, Though I Walk Volume 4
Written by Stephen Lindsay
Art by Daniel Thollin
Published by Alterna Comics
Price: $6.99
Available Now

Jesus is back and he’s ready for his final showdown with the angel Gabriel and his army of the undead. Yes, Jesus is ready to take on the undead hordes, and he’s brought his pal Abraham Lincoln along with him. Okay, this all sounds crazy, but that’s the best thing about Jesus Hates Zombies featuring Lincoln Hates Werewolves in Yea, Though I Walk Volume 4 (see, even the title is insane).

For a book called Jesus Hates Zombies, this is not nearly as blasphemous as you might think it would be. Writer Stephen Lindsay does not make fun of Jesus; he doesn’t even really make fun of Christians (which would be an easy way for a weaker writer to go). He just wants to tell a goofy but fun zombie story. Sure, it may have a few more religious trappings than other zombie books, but Lindsay’s goal is not really to examine religion. You can tell when a writer is being mean towards religion, and I never get that feeling from this book. This is an action movie, complete with explosions and epic fights.

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Comic Review: Massive Awesome #1
Henchman21   |  @   |  

Massive Awesome #1Massive Awesome #1
Written by Stephen Lindsay
Art by Rolf Lejdegard
215 Ink
Price: $2.99; Release date: February 19, 2010

You will believe a piece of bacon can kick ass.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I heard the title for this book. I mean, Massive Awesome? That could be anything, and when you name your comic something like that you better live up to it. Well, this one has lived up to that title, and if you’re a fan of goofy action films, then this is the kind of comic that you will enjoy. What lies in the pages of this book is the tale of a renegade special forces operative who just happens to be a piece of bacon. Oh, and his best friend is a pickle who thinks he’s a zombie, but really isn’t. And they fight ninjas. Have I got you yet?

Yes, this book is goofy as hell. There’s no greater meaning to the plot, there’s no great mystery to solve. This is Schwarzenegger’s Commando in comic form. This can be said of a lot of the stuff that writer Stephen Lindsay writes. If you’ve read his other work, he always finds a way to bring the fun to every project he works on. There is just something about the concept of this book that puts a smile on my face when I think about it. And of course, if you are a fan of Lindsay’s Jesus Hates Zombies series, you’re going to have to pick this up for the full-color back-up story in the issue.

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Free Comic Book Day 2009 Is This Saturday!
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Ah, it’s that glorious day, when fanboys near and far venture to their local comic book shops and take the opportunity to get free books, hang out with creators and friends, and generally celebrate their love for the four-colored medium we call comics. Yes, it’s time again for Free Comic Book Day 2009. Coming this Saturday, May 2 this is your chance to pick up a select group of free comic books from your local comics retailer. Along with the free swag, most stores (or at least any store worth going to) will be holding creator signings, games, sales, and general fun.

For full details on books are available and where you can find a participating store, simply go to Free Comic Book Day. There, you’ll find the complete list of books being given out this year, as well as interviews and all information about FCBD.

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NYCC 09 Spotlight: 7 Books & 7 Comic Books
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Geeks of Doom Invade New York Comic Con 2009

Whenever I go to a convention like New York Comic Con, I’m typically on the movie coverage beat. I spend most of my morning waiting on a lengthy line to get into whatever the big theater where all the movie panels are held and new footage from upcoming films is previewed. I then spend the rest of my day in said theater typing away on my laptop, then later I type away in the press room.

All of this means and barely eat or pee or see the light of day and when I do get a chance to break away, I head right to the Con floor to snag some freebies, check out some of the awesome costumes, and peruse through the enormous selection of books, comic books, and trades. Because while I’m obsessed with movies, I WANT BOOKS!!!

I was fortunate enough to gets lots of wonderful freebies, too many to mentioned here. Therefore, here’s a list of 7 noteworthy books plus 7 single-issue comic books (and a few honorable mentions) that I delightfully snagged at the Con.

Dracula’s Heir

I saw the little Quirk Books sign and instantly recognized them as the publishers of The Indiana Jones Handbook, which I reviewed back in June. So of course I ran right over and proceeded to salivate all over their selection of titles. While I wanted pretty much all of them, I decided on Dracula’s Heir, an interactive mystery based on the lost chapter of Bram Stoker‘s Dracula which takes place 10 years after the events of the classic novel. What adds to the coolness of the book (and the Quirk’s other “Interactive Mystery” titles) is that it comes with a bunch of removable clues like newspaper clippings and journal entries and once you’ve solved the mystery, there’s a final sealed up chapter at the end of the book that you break open — love it!!!

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Chimaera Comics Announces New Horror Comic Imprint ‘Nightmaera’
Dave3   |  @   |  

Nightmaera Comics logoGhoulish news, horror comic geeks! Independent comic publisher Chimaera Comics has formally announced the creation of a new horror imprint. The horror line has been aptly named Nightmaera and has announced half a dozen forthcoming titles, including A Violent End and Happy Panda Funtime Show.

The next bit of info actually gets me a little vaklempt, but as good as news of as a bunch of new horror comics is to a geek like me, equally amazing news is that Chimaera made the genius move of naming one of Geeks of Doom’s favorite independent comic writers and advocate, Stephen Lindsay (Jesus Hates Zombies, Ham & Eggs) as Nightmaera’s editor-in-chief. I’ve been a huge fan of Lindsay’s work since the moment I stumbled upon it on ComicSpace a few years back and I couldn’t think of a better choice to undertake a project like this. Lindsay has proven his mettle time and again and I, for one, am really looking forward to the stillborn two-headed mongrel thing that will be birthed from the loins of a dead ghoul.. uh, I mean… looking forward to checking out what a Lindsay-guided Nightmaera Comics will bring to the horror comic genre.

Check out all the details in the official press release after the jump:

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