Publishers have been trying for a while now to find a way to survive the onslaught of free information available on the web. Many magazines and newspapers have folded, for good, and others have been able to survive as websites, and still others continue to straddle the line both in print and on the internet.
Some publishers see the new tablet craze as a potential way to survive, or better yet to reinvent themselves. Up to now the most popular attempt has come from a company called Zinio. Zinio offers up digital versions of many of the most popular magazines that were once exclusives to magazine racks. The price is lower than their print counterparts and the digital experience offers a slick and cool way to read magazines as well as the ability to carry many magazines on the go all inside a tablet. Media magnate Rupert Mrudoch has jumped into the this new frontier in a big way with his new daily digital newspaper called aptly enough, The Daily.
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