Remember that super creepy yet unbelievably realistic old man’s head Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls developer Quantic Dream’s David Cage showed at PlayStation 4 event to share an example of how powerful the machine was? Many people said it looked that good because it was only one giant floating nightmare head, which may be true to a point. But now Quantic has taken it another step with a full tech demo of a game titled The Dark Sorcerer featuring that same creepy head (who turns out to be Braveheart and Ghandi star David Gant) with a body now attached to it and all sorts of other stuff going on.
Unfortunately it is just a tech demo; at first I was pretty excited it was an actual game (having missed the text at the beginning). Then things take a bit of a turn, and you’ll know exactly when that is when you watch the video below. It’s well worth your time, I assure you.
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