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Must Watch: 4-Year-Old Kid Sees ‘Empire Strikes Back’ Ending For First Time
The Movie God   |  @   |  

The Empire Strikes Back

Do you remember where you were when you first watched Star Wars sequel The Empire Strikes Back and experienced its big reveal at the end? Some of you likely do and many of you probably do not, but technology has come a long way and moments such as that can now be captured for all eternity.

Enter Faris, a four–year–old who recently saw the ending of Empire for the first time, captured on camera by his parents. After recording the reaction they sent the video to Harry Knowles over at AICN, who started a column that looks at we who grew up as geeks and kids today who are well on their way. The column is called “Raising Geeks.”

You can see the video of young Faris reacting to the end of The Empire Strikes Back by continuing on below now, and you can see more by heading to the source link.

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Watch This Deleted Scene From ‘Empire Strikes Back’ Upcoming ‘Star Wars’ Blu-ray

Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back

We’re less than two weeks away from the release of the Star Wars original and prequel trilogies on Blu-Ray and now Entertainment Weekly has an exclusive look at a deleted scene from The Empire Strikes Back to be included among the set’s generous selection of bonus features. You can check out the scene below this article.

Running less than a minute, the scene is an additional dialogue exchange between Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) during the first act of the film after the former smuggler announces his intention to leave the Rebellion so he can pay his debt to Jabba the Hutt. The scene as it played in the theatrical version perfectly established the burgeoning romantic tension between Han and Leia, so this additional dialogue is redundant. But even in this needless exchange you can feel the sparks flying between these two; Ford and Fisher’s acting is superb (a marked improvement over the first Star Wars) and their chemistry is palpable, thanks to the excellent, nuanced direction by the late Irvin Kershner and the beautiful screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan and the late Leigh Brackett.

The Star Wars trilogies will be released on Blu-ray on September 16, 2011.

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Billy Dee Williams Explains How Lando Was Only Trying To Help In ‘The Empire Strikes Back’
Empress Eve   |  @   |  

Lando Calrissian - Han Solo

Over the years, the Lando Calrissian character has become a favorite amongst strong>Star Wars fans, but he didn’t start out that way. When Lando first appeared in The Empire Strikes Back, we learned he was an old friend of Han Solo’s — a scoundrel, a gambler, and a player, much like Han himself — and that the duo didn’t part ways on the best of terms. When the old friends reunite in Cloud City, it seems like bygones are bygones, that is, until Lando gives up Han and his companions to Darth Vader, who had invaded the city with his imperial troops.

Now, everyone loves Han Solo, so you can imagine the discontent amongst fans when Lando betrayed Han, and you might also be able to imagine what actor Billy Dee Williams, who played Lando in the film, had to deal with in real life during fan encounters. Yeah, people were pissed.

In a recent video interview with Wired magazine, Williams recounts how people would point their fingers and scold him, stating, “You betrayed Han!” But, as we now know, Lando didn’t have a choice and, c’mon, he was only trying to help! Check out the video interview here below where Williams explains how the situation was out of his hands. He had to turn over Han to Vader (though, giving Han to that bounty hunter was not part of the deal!).

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Universal Day of the Jedi: 10 Star Wars Novels Worth Checking Out
cGt2099   |  

Universal Day of the Jedi

May the Force be with you all! Geeks of Doom will be posting a couple of Star Wars articles today, May 25, for Universal Day of the Jedi, which celebrates the anniversary of the release of the first Star Wars movie.

This year, Universal Day of the Jedi also celebrates the anniversary of Timothy Zahn‘s novel, Heir to the Empire. The initial release of this novel 20 years ago this month is significant, because it was quite literally groundbreaking: its impact would open the floodgates for an amazing deluge of Star Wars novels and comics – turning the Expanded Universe into an EXPANDING Universe.

Zahn’s Thrawn Trilogy, of which Heir to the Empire is the first part, is widely regarded by many fans as one of the best series of Star Wars books to ever have been released. Some fans even consider the trilogy to be the equivalent of the closest we may ever get to a Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. Timothy Zahn has continued his journeys into the Expanded Star Wars Universe through the years – exploring deeper into the history and legacy of Grand Admiral Thrawn, the continual growing relationship between Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, and also the mysteries behind the enigmatic Outbound Flight.

I figured with this month being the anniversary of Zahn’s masterpiece, and also with today being Universal Day of the Jedi, it would be a good opportunity to take a look back at some of the finer examples of Star Wars novels over the years.

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Final Mondo ‘Star Wars’ Poster Designs Unveiled
The Movie God   |  @   |  

Some truly incredible Star Wars-inspired posters have come from Mondo, the art boutique arm of the famed Alamo Drafthouse. Now you can see the final offerings, which includes posters for Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi, as well as variants of each.

All of Mondo’s Star Wars posters, along with many others created in celebration of various pop culture favorites, sold out insanely fast, so this last batch will hold the largest number of posters yet. Each of the 24″x36″ will have a limited number of 850 posters available, with 275 of each variant also up for grabs. And as always, once they’re gone they’re gone forever.

These posters come from artist Tyler Stout, and will be available later today, December 31, at a random time. All you need do is follow Mondo on Twitter and keep a close eye out for their announcement that the sale is on.

You can see Mondo’s final Star Wars posters as well as the variants by clicking on over to the other side now.

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