Marvel Comics has acquired the rights to classic super-hero Marvelman, also referred to as Miracleman in the United States, from creator Mick Anglo. The company made the announcement during the last few minutes of the San Diego Comic-Con Cup o’ Joe panel.
Shortly after the announcement, the panelist, which included Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada, Publisher Dan Buckley, Jeph Loeb, Jim McCann, and C.B. Cebulski, donned blue t-shirts with the familiar “MM” Marvel Man logo on it.
Buckley stated that Marvel was talking with several creators who did Marvelman stories in the ’80s and ’90s. Both Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman are among those creators, but nothing has been announced beyond the acquisition.
Marvel hasn’t stated the full terms of the deal — whether they own just the likeness or if they can reprint past stories such as the unpublished Miracleman #25 that was written by Gaiman for the now-defunct Eclipse Comics, which was never published.

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