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Why Come In Peace? 7 Awesome Alien Kills In Film
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Why Come In Peace? 7 Awesome Alien Kills In FilmWhy Come In Peace? 7 Awesome Alien Kills In Film: District 9District 9, the new film from director Neill Blomkamp and produced by Peter Jackson, is being released this Friday, August 14, 2009. With a nice little R-rating, there’s sure to be some heavy human/alien violence going down. In District 9, the aliens supposedly come in peace, but with most alien science fiction movies, that’s usually not the case. Quite the opposite, in fact.

So, in celebration of this new first-contact humans-meet-aliens film that’s getting rave reviews from all who’ve see it so far, we’ve decided to concoct a list of some of the most awesome scenes of aliens killing humans in film. Obviously, there’s been thousands of instances where an alien takes out a human in movies, so finding some of the more outstanding examples was not an easy task. Basically, the movies selected took a death and went a step further…or sometimes, a couple of steps further.

Whether the kill is just ultra-violent, or if it’s completely and disgustingly unique, if it makes viewers cringe when it happens, then it’s worthy of this list. Hopefully we’ve managed to feature some of the elite members of this category.

So without further delay, if you’re not one of the squeamish, click on over and check out our 7 Awesome Alien Kills In Film!

Kiss of Death — Species


1995’s Species didn’t just have a terrifying alien who ruthlessly killed whoever was in its way; it featured an incredibly beautiful alien (Natasha Henstridge) who ruthlessly killed whoever was in her way.

At one point, a cocky young gentleman thinks that he’s scored the hottest girl of them all to bring home all to himself. Unfortunately, it took but only one kiss to realize that he had made one massive mistake, as the alien plunges her tongue straight through the back of the man’s head, killing him instantly. Fortunately for him, he didn’t need to dwell on this mistake for too long.

While there has surely been some more brutal and similar kills to this, the appearance of the alien factored into the equation heavily. For someone to go from thinking they were with one of the most attractive people on the planet to having a hole punched through their skull — that’s just not cool, man.

Sweet, Sweet Slumber — Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Killer Klowns

You’re damn right, Killer Klowns from Outer Space made the list!

This horrid-yet-amazing 1988 cult classic tells the story of a race of aliens that look like clowns that lands on Earth. People are drawn to them due to their giant circus tent-looking spaceship, and the end result is never pretty.

While the kill itself isn’t what landed it on this list, the aftermath was more than enough. The clown aliens have a special gun that they use that we get to see firsthand. When fired at someone, it kills them, and then cocoons them in freakin’ cotton candy! In this cotton candy cocoon, these people ferment for a while before the aliens stick a giant silly straw in them, and enjoy a little corpse cocktail.

After watching this movie, it’s hard to enjoy the fair and cotton candy ever again.

Human Costume — Men In Black

Men in Black

As we all know, Men in Black is an incredibly popular 1997 science fiction comedy starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones that spawned another popular sequel. Though the movie is a comedy and it’s hard to put a death it produced on this heavily-graphic list, one of them just could not be ignored, my friends.

When the giant bug alien first lands, it hits Edgar’s (Vincent D’Onofrio) truck dead-on, destroying it on impact and creating a giant crater. When a pissed off Edgar goes to investigate the mysterious explosion, he’s kindly asked to drop his weapon. When he stubbornly refuses, he’s quickly pulled down into the crater, and a second later we see nothing left but the dude’s skin, which the alien puts on in an odd attempt to fit in.

Yes, this movie and the scene are comical. But when thinking about this in a realistic fashion, I just can help but recognize the fact that Edgar was grabbed by a giant bug, who proceeded to consume every single content of that man’s body, leaving only skin! That’s gross, and well-worthy of a place on our list.

Head Liposuction — Starship Troopers

Starship Troopers

Starship Troopers is another one that has a bunch of painful deaths cause by alien bugs. While writing this, I actually realized that this movie and this kill is kind of like Men in Black, but on a whole other absurdly messed up level! Even so, this disturbing death needs its place on our list, and so here it is.

After a long ordeal trying to fight off this endless swarm of bugs called Arachnids who are killing everyone and everything in sight, the Mobile Infantry finally discovers the source of their power: brain bugs! Once they realize that there are these smart bugs who run the whole system, the mission becomes to capture them and conduct tests on them so that they can learn how to slaughter the Arachnid race.

One of the brain bugs is first stumbled upon by Carmen (Denise Richards) and Zander (Patrick Muldoon), and this is where our terrible kill takes place. In the midst of a fight between the two and the bug, the brain bug takes a sort of sharp tube it has and sticks it straight into Zander’s forehead before sucking every ounce of his brain out.

While this and the Men in Black death are pretty similar, seeing this one with out own eyes and sans the comedy, makes it really quite disturbing and shudder-worthy!

Body Cavity Baby — Alien


If there’s a movie that instantaneously jumps into your brain while thinking of aliens and people being slaughtered by them, if it’s not Ridley Scott‘s 1979 film Alien, then you my friends have some serious issues. Just my putting it behind two other movies on this list might guarantee a mugging or two in my near future.

I don’t even really have to explain the kill-shot from this movie that I’m talking about — we all know it, we’ve all seen it a hundred times, it’s been spoofed. It’s just that classic a scene.

Just in case you don’t know what I mean, I will run it down.

Alien follows a universal towing crew who are on their way back to Earth when they receive a distress call. The crew goes to check out the signal and soon realizes that it was actually a warning. While doing some investigating, a strange creature that resembles a spider or scorpion latches on to the face of one of the crew members named Kane (John Hurt). The other crew is unable to remove the creature, and it’s only when the creature basically dies that it detaches itself from the man’s face.

After the creature is gone, the crew head off for Earth and Kane seems to be perfectly fine, as if nothing had happened at all — never a good sign. While the crew is eating one day, Kane begins choking very violently and no one knows what’s going on. This is when some kind of lump protrudes from his chest and happens repeatedly before a small alien bursts out and runs off to hide somewhere on the ship.

The pure horror of an alien laying some kind of egg inside of you that eventually hatches and bursts out of your chest cavity makes this kill one of the all-time best…or worst.

Prideful Showdown, Painful End — Predator


Let’s be honest, 1987’s Predator is chock full of gruesome deaths caused by an alien being that are pretty much all worthy of mention on this list. Because of this, we had to look at each one carefully and choose which stood above the rest.

Our final decision: a man named Billy.

Billy (Sonny Lanham) is easily one of the toughest men of the whole group of soldiers who find themselves in the middle of the jungle with something killing people off in painful fashion. He’s a Navajo Indian who doesn’t talk much, and when he does, you better listen. It’s always the quietest people you should really watch out for, and when it all came to a head, Billy decided it was time to look his enemy in the eyes and see how good he really was. This did not go well.

When Billy decided to have his show down with the Predator, he walked out on to a giant log bridge and cut himself right down his chest to prove it would take more than a wound to scare him. Within moments, something comes at Billy full steam ahead, and the screams that follow indicate the stuff that nightmares are made of — something so viciously evil that we don’t even see it actually happen on screen.

As it turns out, when a man that tough screams like that, it is definitely as bad as it sounds, and we later discover that his spine and skull were completely removed and kept as trophies.

Max Capacity — Slither


When it comes to any kind of list, it’s really hard to put something above Predator and Alien, but when it came to this list, I just couldn’t think of any death by alien more painful, horrifying, and disgusting. That kill comes from the sick and twisted brain of director James Gunn in the movie Slither.

In Slither, a very strange egg-like object shoots down from space and lands in the woods, and is eventually found by Grant Grant (Michael Rooker). The egg opens up and shoots him with something, and eventually begins changing Grant into an odd person with a love for raw meats. He eventually visits a trashy woman named Brenda (Brenda James) who hits on him a lot for what she thinks is going to be a hot and steamy affair. To her shock, some nasty giant tentacle-like things emerge from his body and attach to her stomach, obviously pumping her full of something. This sets up our precious top kill.

Grant eventually evolves into an unspeakably ugly creature, which naturally has his wife (Elizabeth Banks) a little concerned and leads her to call the local police, who decide to catch him and find out what the hell is going on. On the chase for him, Sheriff Bill Pardy (Nathan Fillion), Mayor Jack MacReady (Gregg Henry), and others are lead to an old barn where they find none other than Brenda.

This is where it gets really rough. It seems that since the little encounter between Grant and Brenda, she’s grown into a massive ball of a person — think Violet Beauregarde from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory if Wonka actually turned out to be Satan. Not only is Brenda impossibly large, but she’s still alive, and she’s really pissed off, and really hungry. She begs them to throw her a dead animal to eat right before the party starts. Out of nowhere, her skin begins to rip and tear around her, and in the blink of an eye, she blows up, revealing the army of little slugs that Grant inserted into her. These slugs go on to take over any human they can and turn them into zombie-like beings.

The reason this death last in our little list is simple: suffering. Many of the alien kills featured here are hardcore and terrible, but they’re also executed in quick fashion. With this death, this woman suffers through the insertion of these hell-slugs, all the unseen growing between that point and when they find her again, and her ultimate fate: popping under the pressure of a million creatures trying to get out. This is basically the Alien kill a thousands times over, and that’s one f’d up way to go, folks!

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