The battle against The Silents continues in Day of the Moon, as the Doctor (Matt Smith) and his companions form a plan to begin a revolution against the strange aliens who use their post-hypnotic suggestive powers to control to human race. The Doctor has a plan, involving Apollo 11 and Neil Armstrong’s foot… but the Silents may prove to become the Doctor’s most dangerous adversaries of all time…
During TARDISblend 24, we review the events of Doctor WhoDay of the Moon, and discuss the possibilities of who the strange little girl (Sydney Wade) was in this episode — as well as the jaw-dropping cliffhanger involving her at the end of the episode! We take a look at the complex relationship and tragic love story between The Doctor and River Song (Alex Kingston), and how he wants to run off to new adventures at the conclusion of the episode as opposed to finding out more about the mysterious little girl and The Silents.
We also examine the character of Canton Everett Delaware III (Mark Sheppard) and ponder him making another appearance in Doctor Who down the line. But more importantly, we speculate on the importance of Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), and how significant her role will be during this series. All this and more on the latest TARDISblend!
Presented by Greg Davies (cGt2099 from The Social Blend Podcast) and Tom Cheredar (Tched from The Drill Down Podcast) TARDISblend is a mini podcast that takes a look at the ongoing adventures of Doctor Who – as Matt Smith makes his journey as the Eleventh Doctor!
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Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press
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