This news was reported last week, but if 4th of July festivities kept you a bit out of the loop, Starz announced that they wouldn’t be renewing their original series, Camelot, for a second season.
The reasoning behind the decision is a mixture of things not working out, but the ratings don’t appear to be one of them…at least not primarily. After scoring big numbers in its premiere, ratings did dwindle a bit, but the last few episodes of the first season made an impressive showing and the finale brought in 1.5 million viewers to finish very strong.
One of the reasons the show has been canceled, however, is said to be scheduling conflicts with some of the actors in the cast, which included some top–tier talent like Eva Green and Joseph Fiennes.
For me personally, the show was tough to latch onto. I watched about half of the first season (mostly On Demand) before losing track, swept away by instantly compelling and instantly gratifying shows like Game of Thrones. I still had intentions of returning to Camelot at some point (and still will finish the first season eventually), but wasn’t nearly as invested in it.
A big part of that for me was Jamie Campbell Bower, who played the lead role of Arthur. Now, nothing against the young actor””he appears to have talent and could bring something to other roles””but he didn’t do it for me in the lead. Perhaps the intention was to go with someone completely opposite of what we’d expect in an Arthur, and perhaps that worked for others, but not I.
What did you think of Camelot, and what are your thoughts on its cancellation?
[Source: Deadline]
bullcrap this was one of the greatest shows i have ever seen it is not fair that they cancel it
Comment by Godlygamer911 — July 5, 2011 @ 10:46 pm
Really?? It’s canceled?? That really sucks, Yeah I was originally attached to Game of Thrones, and then I took notice of Camelot. And my fears did come true, Game of Thrones overlaped the success of Camelot, which is too bad. Camelot is a great show, and I was really looking forward to a season 2. I really hope the renewal of Camelot will be re-evaluated, and continue to be aired.
Comment by Darklovetoy — July 5, 2011 @ 11:35 pm
Camelot was a well done show, that just had the bad fortune of airing at the same time of Game of Thrones. Two very good shows, but not enough room for two. I truly hope that Starz or someone else can look at picking up Camelot and keeping a great story going.
Comment by Teemetee — July 7, 2011 @ 4:36 pm
Well, with a ground breaking show like Spartacus, I’m not surprised that Camelot wasn’t as big of a hit for Starz. The show seemed clearly directed towards a much, much younger audience and just didn’t have the same appeal. I haven’t watch it and I won’t watch it. For me, the teasers just weren’t enough of a tease… ; )
I understand though, that teenagers will be sadden by this news however, because it’s not that often that they get good production material directed towards them.
Comment by Juicexlx — July 8, 2011 @ 1:16 pm
I am very unhappy that they will not be finishing Camelot because I thought the show was awsome. I don’t have TV everything I watch I pay for on my computer its too bad I would have payed to watch Camelot season 2 even with a new cast who needs Eva Green???? At least Merlin season 4 will be airing in 2012 something to look forward too!Â
Comment by Patricia — July 12, 2011 @ 3:34 am
Oh really??? Well I’m 40 and I loved Camelot and you know what??? I hated Spartacus no real acting more like a soft porn flick made for men…
Comment by patricia — July 12, 2011 @ 3:38 am
whatever… They should do some sort of conclusion! John Doe all over again. If I had known there wasnt going to be a second season I would not have wasted my time to begin with.
Comment by Clair — July 17, 2011 @ 12:38 am
That really blows. I thought camelot was a better show than game of thrones. Better actors, better story lines. For a smaller budget which i am sure camelot had in my opinion was a good show.Â
Comment by Vserafin1222 — July 30, 2011 @ 4:22 am
I really wish they renewed Camelot for season 2. It was a great show, it’s a shame they are not going forward with it.
Comment by Chinmay Karanjkar — August 1, 2011 @ 7:50 am
 I don’t think it’s fair to leave fans hanging with what happened in the last episode.
I really want to see what happens. I’m very disappointed :/
Comment by Shaynana347 — August 20, 2011 @ 1:37 am
 I don’t think it’s fair to leave fans hanging with what happened in the last episode.
I really want to see what happens. I’m very disappointed :/
Comment by Shaynana347 — August 20, 2011 @ 1:37 am
I half agree with you on casting Jamie Bowler as Arthur, but he makes up for it in the last three episodes and “man’s the fuck up” to the role.Â
But the series proves one thing; refrain from hiring primarily based movie actors that does not need a jump restart of their careers since they will most likely mess up the plans for another season.Â
Comment by Anonymous — September 6, 2011 @ 1:05 am
I just now found out Camelot has been canceled! I am so completely bummed! I’ve been looking forward to season 2 every since the last episode! I looked forward to Camelot every week!!!! I can not even believe it!!!! Wow!
Comment by Tracy-spa-gal — September 15, 2011 @ 9:37 pm
Wow its sooooo good to see im not the only1 outraged by starz cancelling camelot.Im completely pissed!My time was wasted waiting for the new season only to find out that its not gonna show!!up urs starz!
Comment by MeMe — September 18, 2011 @ 7:15 am
Well im35 years old and i found it to be a very,very good show so idk where ur gettin ur info from???
Comment by Tameeshap — September 18, 2011 @ 7:19 am
So disappointed about the cancellation of Starz’s Camelot. I was perplexed at the Season 1 finale, but was anticipating Season 2. This was my first Starz series and to have the rug pulled out from underneath me, is a real bummer.
Comment by Peanutty1313 — September 24, 2011 @ 12:12 am
agreed….and jamie bowler was an excellent pick…not some stereo-typical male lead….was a good show….basically every show i have enjoyed the past few years has been cancelled or delayed.
Comment by Michaelrayedwards2005 — September 27, 2011 @ 11:14 pm
What teens watched this? I seriously do not think any, I am 30 my woman 22 both of us loved it. I agree with the fans of this show it went hard for the last few, and now gates are open for modrid and lancelot. Big mistake from a channel that moved ahead with Spartacus after the lead actor died. Is that also ground breaking of show bs! The people that made that show are dead, one of them literally. Starz hopefully will go off the air, cause I know I’ll be buying HBO back after that one. Oh that’s right Starz costs as much as much pbs but without the good programming.
Comment by Paulrleppla — October 8, 2011 @ 12:59 am
This was a great show that I could’t stop watching, and now they’re canceling it. I watched nothing else until I saw the whole thing, that’s how good it was. So why cancel it.
Comment by Palmiz — October 17, 2011 @ 6:48 am
No way this show could compete with “game of thrones.”
Comment by Gust — November 7, 2011 @ 10:50 am
Very disappointed! I started enjoying Starz series with Spartacus and now Camelot. I really am upset that this was cancelled. Especially with the way they left the season finale! What the heck!
Comment by Andria Rose Hansby — November 14, 2011 @ 12:39 am
You’re stupid. How can you make a judgement without watching.. Yeah all those sex raunchy scenes were so geared toward teenagers. *rolls eyes*
Comment by Danielle — November 14, 2011 @ 6:55 pm
Not a huge loss in my opinion. Camelot was for the most part a boring, draggy drama held together by the talents of Eva Green and Joseph Fiennes. It was entertaining, but not entertaining enough to drag my attention away from Game of Thrones.
Comment by Wastedinjackson — January 29, 2012 @ 3:46 am
I looked forward to watching Camelot…it was our family night..kids disappointed,,,husband now to busy foor family night..
Comment by Foemetalgal — January 29, 2012 @ 1:31 pm
I stumbled onto Camelot while looking On Demand for something to watch and fell in love with it. Now, knowing there will not be a second season, I wish I had never watched it. I mean what is going to happen now that Morgan is carrying Arthur’s baby?! I NEED TO KNOW!Â
Comment by Dj_pattyd — March 6, 2012 @ 11:23 pm
This is crap! I. Want a second season. I’m pissed.
Comment by Eastandiford — March 8, 2012 @ 9:08 pm
yea this sucks I saw a preview for it, and decided to go pick it up and Im really enjoying it now, but Im pissed because I will never know what happens in the end because STARZ’s had to cancel it thank you starz for cancelling a program id much rather watch then some other crap they have on tv now days.
Comment by Deadlyassassin1983 — March 14, 2012 @ 2:06 pm
I thought it was awesome and was looking forward to the next season. I like game of thrones too but man I like them both wish the cancellation wasn’t so. That’s a real downer.
Comment by Nicholas Deleon7 — March 18, 2012 @ 8:13 pm
I loved the show and was hoping for a second season. Â Great performances by Eva Green and Joseph Fiennes. Â I agree with your assessment of Joseph Campbell Bower as Arthur. Â I didn’t get the casting of that character either.
Comment by Captnhowdyts — March 19, 2012 @ 7:23 pm
I am so sad to know their wont be a Season 2 !! I never knew this incredible show even existed!! I just finished watching Season 1 and wow I have to say it was as good as “The White Queen” So sad I wont see the next season.
Comment by Lorie — June 17, 2014 @ 11:28 pm