Watch Now: Stephen Colbert Straightens Out Congress On ‘Lord Of The Rings’
By Empress Eve
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Saturday, July 30th, 2011 at 3:31 am
There’s no greater Lord of the Rings fan than Stephen Colbert, host of the most awesomest television show, The Colbert Report. So, it’s almost as if Congress was begging for a segment on his show when they recently referenced Lord of the Rings in comparison to the current debit crisis.
Watch the 4-minute segment here below from The Colbert Report, where the host tries to straighten out the Lord of the Rings analogies.
This latest incident was sparked by Sen. John McCain, who read from a Wall Street Journal editorial that referred the Tea Party members as “hobbits,” stating that “…the Tea Party hobbits could return to Middle Earth having defeated Mordor,” in regards to the Republicans refusal to raise the debt ceiling.
Seriously, the last thing we need are our politicians referencing Lord of the Rings to try to make a point. Thanks to this latest episode we now have to get Fox News headlines like “You Shall Not Pass This Bill!” and “Lord of the Zings: Tea Partiers Slam McCain Over ‘Hobbit’ Reference,” as well as rebuttals from other politicians attempting to also use Lord of the Rings analogies. Good grief.
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