![Fallout 4 Garage Lithograph Segment Fallout 4 Garage Lithograph Segment](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2016/07/fallout-4-lithograph-530x293.jpg?resize=530%2C293&ssl=1)
I don’t think I’ve listened to a record since rocking out to The Bangles’ “Walk Like an Egyptian” 45 when I was a tiny tyke back in the ’80s. Hey, it’s a fun song when you’re a kid! Don’t judge. After that people moved on to cassettes and CDs and so on. Though there has been a resurgence in record popularity in the past decade or so.
Despite not listening to records for a while, I was excited to receive the Fallout 4 Special Edition Vinyl Soundtrack. As I mentioned in my review of the game, I love composer Inon Zur‘s score. It’s not easy to come up with music you can listen to over and over while playing a game without getting sick of it, and he does it really well. So owning some of that music on this unique vinyl edition from SpaceLab9 is pretty awesome. Read more about it and where you can grab a copy below.
The first cool thing about the vinyl soundtrack is something you’ll notice before you even listen to it. Instead of the usual black vinyl look, each side of the record is an image. The first side is part of the image seen above, and the second side is a different image. Both come from the Garage Lithograph artwork.
![Fallout 4 Special Edition Vinyl Soundtrack Fallout 4 Special Edition Vinyl Soundtrack]()
Then you can get to the music. Zur’s work received a nomination for Best Score/Soundtrack at The Game Awards 2015. The score consists of a whopping 65 tracks (again, because the game is so big it’s important players don’t get sick of the music). But this special edition includes just a few of the favorites. There’s eight tracks total, including the phenomenal main theme. Here’s the track listing. Side A: “Fallout 4 Main Theme,” “Brightness Calling,” “Rebuild, Renew,” “The Vigilant.” Side B: “The Last Mariner,” “Liberty Lives,” “Covert Action,” “Science & Secrecy.”
Here’s more on the album:
Composer Inon Zur returns again to create the orchestral score. For Fallout 4 he felt that the game is a more personal story, this time making the piano take a more prominent role in the game’s score. He combined a real piano with an electric piano to make a “sound that is really round and not bright at all but very lush.”
In addition, he crafted the soundscapes with unorthodox instruments focusing on three elements: “classical instruments; electronic instruments; and a non-musical instrument or an ethnic/primitive instrument.” Players can immediately tell what sort of area they were in based on the background instrumentation.
If interested in purchasing your own copy of the vinyl soundtrack you can grab it at GameStop or ThinkGeek now.
You can also head over to the SpaceLab9 website for more from them.
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