| Doom Deliveries: ‘Fallout 4’ Special Edition Vinyl Soundtrack
I don’t think I’ve listened to a record since rocking out to The Bangles’ “Walk Like an Egyptian” 45 when I was a tiny tyke back in the ’80s. Hey, it’s a fun song when you’re a kid! Don’t judge. After that people moved on to cassettes and CDs and so on. Though there has been a resurgence in record popularity in the past decade or so. Despite not listening to records for a while, I was excited to receive the Fallout 4 Special Edition Vinyl Soundtrack. As I mentioned in my review of the game, I love composer Inon Zur‘s score. It’s not easy to come up with music you can listen to over and over while playing a game without getting sick of it, and he does it really well. So owning some of that music on this unique vinyl edition from SpaceLab9 is pretty awesome. Read more about it and where you can grab a copy below.
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| Doom Deliveries: ‘The World’s End’ Pub Glasses & Golden Mile T-Shirt |

Today sees the North American release of Edgar Wright‘s The World’s End, the final installment of his Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, which began in 2004 with Shaun of the Dead and continued in 2007 with Hot Fuzz (see our review here). The World’s End tells the tale of five friends who as teenagers attempted an epic pub crawl together, but never made it to the final establishment on their list, The World’s End. The friends eventually drift apart and move away, becoming family men with responsibilities and careers, except for Gary (Simon Pegg), who convinces the group to reconvene some 20 years later for another attempt at “The Golden Mile” drinking marathon. But during their one night/twelve pubs adventure, where each person must drink at least one pint per location, the old friends realize that something is amiss in their hometown of Newton Haven, and that there’s more to this quest than just reuniting and reconciling – the world itself is in danger! Earlier this month, I received some cool swag in the mail from Focus Features that included a limited edition World’s End-inspired The Golden Mile T-Shirt, along with the recently released Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz Double Feature Blu-ray. Then, earlier this week, there were two more deliveries containing twelve pub glasses, each with the name and logo of one of the pubs along “The Golden Mile,” along with a different quote from the film. A note from the studio says there’s even more items to come soon.
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| Doom Deliveries: ‘Da Vinci’s Demons’ Unlock The Genius Kit
A package recently arrived which contained within a wooden box with a message on top to UNLOCK THE GENIUS with the date 4-12-13. What could this be? Why, it must be a Doom Delivery! Upon opening the box, I found a note inside from the good people at STARZ regarding their new show, Da Vinci’s Demons, which airs tonight at 10pm ET/PT. The eight-part original series is an historical fantasy which tells the untold tale of a young Leonardo da Vinci and reveals his “demons.” It turns out that the contents of the box are actually meant to help me tap into my inner genius! Woo! The kit contained a journal – so I can put my own ingenious thoughts to paper – and a Da Vinci’s Demons t-shirt that reads “ARROGANT, VISIONARY, BASTARD” on the front, with the back displaying the show’s logo. You can check out a photo of the box and its contents here below, as well as watch a few teaser videos for the series.
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| Doom Deliveries: ‘Stoker’ Skeleton Key Necklace & Sharpened Pencils |

In early February, a small white box with a yellow ribbon arrived at Geeks of Doom headquarters. Inside was a skeleton key necklace wrapped in yellow tissue paper tied up with a thin black ribbon. There was nothing else with it; no message inside and the sender’s address was unfamiliar with no company name mentioned. Having received mysterious objects like this in the past (see our other Doom Deliveries), I figured it must be a viral campaign for an upcoming film or TV show. We tried searching for clues, but there were none to be found. Earlier this week, another small white box with a yellow ribbon arrived, this time with sharpened pencils in a black case. We figured it had to do with that first mysterious package, but again, we wondered what it could be related to … until we took the pencils out and noticed a photo of a woman pasted into the bottom. I recognized the woman right away – it was Alice In Wonderland actress Mia Wasikowska, but it took me a while to recall that the image was from the poster for the film Stoker, directed by Chan-wook Park. You can check out photos here below of the two packages that arrived.
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