| Skull-Face Island: Episode 38: Stoker
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Call Us: 980-272-0111 Hello There! This is Adam Frazier and you are listening to Skull-Face Island, the official movie podcast of Geeks of Doom! As always I’m joined by Matthew Goode’s Wing-Man, David Allen… and Women Want Him, Men Want to Be Him… producer Tim Grant. Today on the Show: We’ll discuss Park Chan-wook‘s English-language debut, Stoker, and boot-up the Geek-O-Matic TeleFax for all the latest news on Jurassic Park 4, and Goosebumps. I’ll also recap my SXSW experience and we’ll talk about some of the films that will be receiving mainstream releases over the next several months.
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| Movie Review: Stoker |
Director: Park Chan-wook
Screenwriter: Wentworth Miller
Cast: Mia Wasikowska, Matthew Goode, Nicole Kidman, Dermot Mulroney
Fox Searchlight Pictures
Rated R | 99 Minutes
Release Date: March 8, 2013 (Limited)
Directed by Park Chan-wook, Stoker stars Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland) as India Stoker, whose 18th birthday is turned upside down after her loving father, Richard (Dermot Mulroney), dies in a horrific car accident. The quiet and reclusive India is left with her estranged, unstable mother Evelyn (Nicole Kidman) in their secluded mansion. At Richard’s funeral, Evelyn and India are introduced to Richard’s charming, charismatic brother Charlie (Matthew Goode), who has spent his life jet-setting around the globe. After the service, Uncle Charlie (a reference to Joseph Cotten’s character in Alfred Hitchcock’s Shadow of a Doubt) decides to stay indefinitely to help support his brother’s family, much to Evelyn’s delight and India’s displeasure. Park Chan-wook, the South Korean director best known for his films Oldboy, Lady Vengeance, and Thirst, makes his English-language debut with Stoker, a dark, atmospheric film that feels as Hitchcockian as it does Kubrickian. There is a technical precision in Chan-wook’s movie that forces you to focus on every little detail – and the director’s signature visual style enhances the mystery and the characters caught up in it.
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| Doom Deliveries: ‘Stoker’ Skeleton Key Necklace & Sharpened Pencils |

In early February, a small white box with a yellow ribbon arrived at Geeks of Doom headquarters. Inside was a skeleton key necklace wrapped in yellow tissue paper tied up with a thin black ribbon. There was nothing else with it; no message inside and the sender’s address was unfamiliar with no company name mentioned. Having received mysterious objects like this in the past (see our other Doom Deliveries), I figured it must be a viral campaign for an upcoming film or TV show. We tried searching for clues, but there were none to be found. Earlier this week, another small white box with a yellow ribbon arrived, this time with sharpened pencils in a black case. We figured it had to do with that first mysterious package, but again, we wondered what it could be related to … until we took the pencils out and noticed a photo of a woman pasted into the bottom. I recognized the woman right away – it was Alice In Wonderland actress Mia Wasikowska, but it took me a while to recall that the image was from the poster for the film Stoker, directed by Chan-wook Park. You can check out photos here below of the two packages that arrived.
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| ‘Stoker’ International Trailer: Mia Wasikowska Loves Her Uncle, Ice Cream & Sniper Rifles
We first got a glimpse of Oldboy director Park Chan-wook‘s Stoker a week ago. In it, the trailer was intent on selling Nicole Kidman playing a cold mother who is sending a threatening message to her daughter. As bone chilling as that speech was, the latter half of the trailer revealed that India (Mia Wasikowska) was no ordinary girl. Her quiet nature seemed to have got the attention of the uncle (Matthew Goode) she never knew. From there it spiraled into a psychological thriller that bares a resemblance to something Alfred Hitchcock would have directed. Now a new trailer reveals India’s point of view. Most of the trailer focuses on what motivates this quiet and stoic high school student. We also get to hear a little bit more from that speech Kidman made in the first trailer. Check out the latest trailer for Stoker below.
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| ‘Stoker’ Trailer: Fear, Sexuality, and Tension
Oldboy director Park Chan-wook is taking his work to the States. Chan-wook introduced himself to global moviegoers with films like Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy, and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance. Now he is gearing up for his first English-language directed film, Stoker. The first trailer for Stoker has finally arrived online. Check out the first trailer here below. The cold chill that Nicole Kidman gives off creates the kind of tension that is rarely seen in movies. Kidman plays Evelyn, a widower to the Stoker family, who lacks the capacity to warm up to the Stoker family patriarchal daughter, India (Mia Wasikowska). Things only get worse when Uncle Charlie (Matthew Goode) pays the two a visit. And by worse I mean creepy worse.
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