![The Twilight Zone Encyclopedia review The Twilight Zone Encyclopedia](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2017/10/The-Twilight-Zone-Encyclopedia-review.png?resize=530%2C283&ssl=1)
The Twilight Zone Encyclopedia
Paperback | Kindle
By Steven Jay Rubin
Publisher: Chicago Review Press
Release date: November 1, 2017
The definitive compendium on the storied CBS program, The Twilight Zone Encyclopedia leaves no stone un-turned. Jam packed with trivia, history, rare photos, actor bios, and rundowns on all the countless people behind the scenes, spearheaded by Rod Serling, this is a must-own book for anyone who loved the show and in a way, a primer for how books of this type should be made.
The program, which ran from the late 1950s to the mid 1960s is still current and vibrant in today’s pop cultural climate. From its memorable, haunting, methodical theme (quite possibly one of the most memorable themes of all time), to the staccato phrasings of Rod Serling, to the wondrous and masterfully written, directed, and acted tales, which spanned so many narratives within the sci-fi/fantasy/horror/adventure vein, The Twilight Zone remains one of television’s finest hours in terms of audience response, critical success, and award recognition.
This encyclopedia spans all that and more and remains a must purchase for not only the holiday season, but any season for that matter. The Twilight Zone Encyclopedia is like a dimension as vast as space and timeless as infinity. It’s a dimension of imagination, a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination.
That’s the signpost up ahead–your next stop, The Twilight Zone Encyclopedia.
A rich, fact-filled collectible, packed with vibrant history, amazing trivia, and rare photographs, The Twilight Zone Encyclopedia, assembled with the full cooperation of the Rod Serling estate, includes biographies of every principal actor involved in the series and hundreds who toiled behind the scenes””producers, writers, and directors. It is an exhaustive and engrossing guide, a compendium of credits, plot synopses, anecdotes, production details, never-before-seen images, and interviews with nearly everyone still alive who was associated with the show
![The Twilight Zone Encyclopedia The Twilight Zone Encyclopedia]()
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