Zombie Apocalypse * Zombie Slave Leia * Fido * Apple Invasion * Naked Ape * 30 Days of Night * Zombie American * Zombie Emergency Defense Program

It’s Blog Like It’s the End of the World Day!
Everybody Panic!
You can keep up with my ongoing entry here.
My Kind of Gal
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Zombies are the new Black. Marvel Zombies are great, Zombie Superman is (in good ole ObZomb’s opinion) even cooler, but now what we’ve got here is a straight up winner! Zombie Slave Leia. I’m not even worthy enough to bask in the gory glory of her shadow. What’s next, zombie Scooby Doo? I said it first, you’re my witness… so if it happens, I want cash!
Don’t Forget to Feed FIDO
Just a reminder for all y’all undead lovin’ individuals. The new ZombComâ„¢ flick FIDO is coming out on Friday. You’ll remember from the last round-up that FIDO is about a world filled with domesticated zombies. Billy Connolly plays Fido with Carrie-Anne Moss as his owner.
Apple Store Invasion
What some have estimated to be a crowd of nearly 150 *zombies* took to the streets and terrorized the citizenry of San Francisco, Ca. After the mob converged in a central square, the decided (how they had enough brain power left for decision-making is beyond me) to storm local businesses, including the flagship Apple store. See, my brethren have taste in tech as well as brains!

Yeah, it’s not about zombies… what of it?
Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith‘s masterwork of vampire fiction 30 Days of Night is nearly here people. Sony Pictures just posted a great little teaser trailer, and I command you to view it as soon as humanly (or otherwisely) possible. The movie opens this October 19.
Naked Ape Gets A Bloody Cleansing
What happens when Swedish electronica meets zombies? Well, when melody makers Naked Ape got together with indie film unit Zombie Duck, things got bloody hot and wet!
Check it out here: Fashion Freak (NSFW)
Funny or Die — Zombie-style
Let’s catch up on the latest in undead jollies, shall we? Continuing where we left off, here are the next two segments of Zombie American.
Zombie American, Chapter 2
Zombie American, Chapter 3
And for good measure, here’s a bit of the Brit I that found while trolling around on MySpace:
Zombie Roommate

A Comic Shop in Winter Park, Florida, had boldly declared their base of operations (read: a comic shop) a zombie-free zone. This past April 24th they officially announced Z.E.D. — the Zombie Emergency Defense Program. With rally cries of “When the Zombie Apocalypse Comes, We Will Be Prepared!” and “Better Z.E.D. then dead!.” They’ve taken it upon themselves to ready a makeshift militia and began practicing defense scenarios in advance of the ‘impending infestation’ (which according to the blogsphere is happening right now!)
In fact, on June 24th, they will be taking up arms and spending the day shooting down some of the unfortunate undead (hey, suddenly I don’t know if I’m okay with all this ZED business!).
Also coinciding with Z.E.D., they’re sponsoring a zombie themed short-film contest/festival. Good ole ObZomb will keep you updated as the finalists and winners are chosen.
— Obvious Zombie
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