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Geek Rant: What Was The True Fate of Harvey Dent in ‘The Dark Knight’?
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TDKFirst of all, for the three of you out there who haven’t seen The Dark Knight, spoilers ahead.

The Dark Knight, having just passed the $500 million mark, still has that new car smell to it, but already arguments echo out from all over the globe — did Harvey Dent/Two-Face die in The Dark Knight or not?

Most moviegoers are under the impression that the Gotham City District Attorney turned badly burned bad guy is not only still alive, but will also likely return for the third film installment in the Christopher Nolan Batman franchise.

But TDK star Aaron Eckhart recently revealed that his character is definitely dead and not coming back.

He is dead as a doornail. He ain’t comin’ back, baby. No…. I asked Chris that question. He goes, ‘You’re dead.’ Before I could even get the question out of my mouth, ‘Hey Chris, am I…’ ‘You’re dead’.”

So there it is. You can’t get more clear than that… or can you?

Personally, I would like to remain incredibly stubborn and say he’s not dead at all. I literally don’t even care that the DIRECTOR confirms that he’s dead; if you ask me, it’s ridiculous to think so.

Hear me out.

First off, they totally set it up with dropping Eric Roberts and the “I wouldn’t die from this height” line before Batman drops him onto concrete, a fall that merely injures Roberts’ character. Dent falling from the same height onto some dirt or mulch or whatever the shit that was, this kills him; and not just kills him, it obviously kills him? No. That scene never rubbed me right to begin with, when I was 100% sure he survived and they were just setting it up for a third movie, just the fact that Batman couldn’t hold onto that piece of iron and fell next to Dent was enough to make me itchy. Umm, he’s fucking Batman, Imma thinkin’ he could probably hold a grip for 2 or 3 seconds. Now above and beyond that, they’re saying this weak-ass fall was fatal on top of it.

Why I oughta…

Lastly — WHY? Why would they so perfectly set up a villain that is obviously the quintessential tone of dark to follow the Joker, and then kill him off early before he even gets a chance to be a true villain? This is illogical people and these don’t cross me as illogical filmmakers.

If indeed this is true as they say, I call it a massive mistake. If you’re going to do something, DO IT. Don’t leave us wondering and scratching our head. If you’re going to kill someone off, kill that sonofabitch off so clearly that it would be pure silliness to see him come back. If you don’t want to kill someone off, make it clear that this might not be over. We require finalization! We need closure! As fantastic a movie as this was, this could eventually be one big, throbbing flaw that just sits there, pointing and laughing at our confusion.

For now, it looks like we have a new “Who shot first?” conspiracy to babble senselessly about.

[Source: E! Online]


  1. Cry more. He’s dead.

    Comment by Flint — September 4, 2008 @ 10:53 pm


    Comment by Siah — September 4, 2008 @ 11:12 pm

  3. I’m still unsure about his fate also. Heck even Rachel’s. I’ve seen the movie a few times and can’t be positive if I actually see an explosion behind her when the building blows up.

    Regardless, I noticed something my last time watching it that kinda explains why Batman can’t hold on to that rail right before he plummets down with Dent. In the final fight with the Joker, Batman is shown to favor that arm a good bit, I believe after being mauled by the dogs.

    Anyways, just wanted to let you know, because I was thinking he was pretty much a wuss until I noticed that last time also.

    Comment by Jeremy Davis — September 5, 2008 @ 1:13 am

  4. You seem to forget that the ‘short distance’ that Dent/Two-Face fell was also compounded with HALF OF HIS BODY BEING BURNED AWAY. After suffering that trauma and then falling – it would kill him.

    Dent’s dead.
    The director said Dent’s dead.
    The script said Dent’s dead.
    The actor who played Dent said Dent’s dead.
    The novelization said Dent’s dead.

    Dent’s dead. Face it.

    Comment by indecks — September 5, 2008 @ 9:50 am

  5. killing him off is probably as dumb as killing off darth maul, who was the only interesting character in any of those films.

    if the next movie gets a new director i’m sure he’ll take the easy route and do the jason vorhees thing for 2face.

    Comment by mo — September 5, 2008 @ 10:08 am


    Comment by KOROLLOCKE — September 5, 2008 @ 10:59 am

  7. Wow, there are still people who use all-caps? It’s difficult to read, Korollocke, so most people won’t bother to. If you find typing difficult then it’s better to stick to all lower-case instead.

    I was a little dissappointed that Two-Face got so little screen time before being killed off. But this is feature movie world; things have to happen faster than they do in the comics. I think we can fairly assume that Dent is dead and won’t be back (rumours are that Raz Al’Ghul is going to make a comeback – two villans returning from th grave would be stupid).

    Comment by DanJW — September 5, 2008 @ 11:23 am

  8. The statment from the director sounds like a

    “lets not reveal any plot to the next movie and have it leak onto the net” kind of thing.

    Killing off one of the main villans would be a REALLY dumb idea, and the Director is really not dumb.

    Comment by JustinSane — September 5, 2008 @ 4:57 pm

  9. Its up in the air as far as i see. Maybe dent will be in Arkham .. who knows. Cant blame people for saying “Hes Dead” or “Hes Alive”. Directors B.S. a little to cover next movie plots (it happens all the time). So dont bash people on their beliefs. Good post if you ask me.

    Comment by JoJo — September 6, 2008 @ 2:58 am

  10. Indecks is right Dent is dead. BUT Two-face isn’t. I have also remained stubborn in the fact that the character, or at least half of him, is still alive. Two-face is one of the cannon villains in the Batman stories, and as such he can’t be killed. At least not like this. I like to believe that when everyone was saying he was dead they meant the Harvey Dent character. I can accept that, i mean his funeral was in the movie for petes sake. However i will keep believing that two-face is still out causing ruckus and robbing banks. Anyone with me?

    Comment by Richie — December 9, 2008 @ 12:14 pm

  11. There is no real proof that Two-face in the movie and most of the “he’s dead” talk come from outside, even if it’s first hand from the director. It was voluntarily left to the open, IMO. Every scene at the end can be interpreted both ways like :
    -he’s not moving= he’s dead or unconcious
    -there is a “memorial”(i think it’s the word, i’m not american or english)= is it for the dead man or for the end of his carreer as DA so they can send two-face in Arkham without re-opening his cases.
    and so on.
    There was no coffin with tombstone or autopsy. So, till the third (it’s a long wait) Two-Face is whatever we want him to be. For me, his still alive.

    Comment by Emilien — January 12, 2009 @ 10:34 pm

  12. Excuse me what the fuck? What the fuck are you talking about? Dent is dead (thx richie) but Two-Face could still be alive. Do you think Nolan’s decision is final? No. Directors change their minds CONSTANTLY until the final script has been set, and the final actors have been casted. Ambiguous is what Two-Face’s fall is. No one knows, who could they? Plans have always been changed in Hollywood, and characters whom you thought for sure were dead come back in the sequel and surprised us in a good way. There are much more extreme examples of character resurrection than this, so don’t put a stamp on it just yet. Wait three more fuckin years before making assumptions, ‘indeck’ and ‘flint’. Batman 3 will make this question settled, and the decision final, not what you hear from one little interview.

    Comment by Crane — January 13, 2009 @ 12:12 am

  13. oh and the wtf part isn’t directed towards richie. calm down.

    Comment by Crane — January 13, 2009 @ 12:14 am

  14. I’m sure he is dead and that It was the intentions of the filmmakers. I myself believes he is dead. BUT as a screenwriter and film student, I see that they did it in a way where it left it open for a Two-Face reprisal. That’s exactly how I’ll would have written it. Hear me out.

    1. The fall wasn’t that extreme for him to die. Lets say it did. If everything in this movie was based on realism, then the burns he sustained would have resulted in his death. They are way beyond 3rd degree. My sister is in the medical field and even she confirmed this. He wouldn’t have survived too long after the incident. For all we know he fell, and landed in a freakin coma.

    2. Most of the movie displayed Harvey Dent, not Two-Face. In a way the movie shows the origin of Two-Face. He’s not the villain yet.

    3. Listen to the conversation between Gordan and Batman at the end. They mention the Joker won–referring to Harveys prosecution and all that he stood for had perished. Everything that was done dies with Harveys reputation.

    Harvey Dent was probably admitted to Arkham Asylum or Blackgate Penitentiary since Arkham was destroyed, somewhat. Blackgate is a prison depicted in the DC Universe located on a small island in the Gotham Bay, which houses those criminals who aren’t insane. Two-Face in the comics has been to both. Given Harveys situation I’m sure he would be considered insane or mentally unstable. In fact the true description of this character in the comic is: District Attorney of Gotham City and an ally of Batman who goes insane and becomes the crime boss Two-Face. Anyways in the Dark Knight I’m sure not too many people knew about Harveys disfigured face. And to Harvey, he is dead, theres only Two-face now.

    Comment by Big Boss — June 28, 2009 @ 2:22 am

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