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‘Terminator Salvation’ Concept Art
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Terminator3Usually while enduring that unbearably long wait between the announcement of a movie and actually seeing a movie, we’re given many things to keep us wanting more; whether it be images, concept art, trailers, official sites, and everything else. Usually concept art comes toward the very beginning before the images and trailers, but today, some of it comes a little later and that’s just fine. The concept art in question just so happens to come from a little movie called Terminator Salvation, so although we’ve seen other art, images galore, and multiple trailers already, it’s still worth seeing this collection of very cool pieces!

The collection of artwork is also accompanied by many various quotes. To see and read everything, make sure you head over to Wired to read the full story, but if you click over and continue reading here, you can check out a few of the more interesting quotes from director Mc G along with all of the very cool pictures. Some of these quotes have been around and some are newer but most give a very good idea of the approach to the movie and the passion of the people involved.

This is a quote about going to original Terminator director James Cameron for his blessing.

I didn’t want to feel like the guy who gave birth to the Terminator is against what we’re doing, so I go to see James Cameron to kiss the ring and tell him what I was trying to do. He’s cordial but says, ‘I’m not going to endorse your movie. I reserve the right to hate it. But I wish you well, and if you’re going to make a Terminator I’d prefer you make a good one to a bad one.’

This quote tells the tale of the efforts to get Christian Bale involved, an effort that ultimately paid off after going to Jonathan Nolan (co-writer of The Dark Knight) for rewrites.

I met Bale at a pub in England while he was shooting Dark Knight. He said, ‘I’m not interested in action, I’m not interested in pyrotechnics, I’m interested in story. If you can get the script to a place where actors on stage could just read it, naked, and it would be compelling for two hours because the characters change and evolve, then we’d have something to talk about.’ We had a respectful conversation, I gave him Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? to read but his answer was: ‘Until it’s on the page, I’m not doing it.’

A cool quote about who John Connor is in this movie, complete with analogies!

John Connor doesn’t come into the picture saying, ‘Follow me and everything’s going to be cool.’ He’s just one of many soldiers when we meet him. It’s like [Spider-Man] where you’re Peter Parker: ‘Hey I’m just a lowly high school photographer,’ and he learns with great power comes great responsibility. Or the hacker [in The Matrix]: ‘They call me Neo, who cares?’; ‘No man, you’re the one, you’re going to lead us!’ Of course Luke Skywalker, on and on, all those Joseph Campbell archetypes. So this is the story of how John Connor becomes leader of the resistance. He has to earn it.

Finally, the dreaded ending quote by director McG. There’s no spoilers or anything, but he’s basically guaranteeing that people will hate it; one of these people is me, who is angry just reading this quote. I’m one of those people who loathes the unfinished movies — movies that try and be super mysterious because they’re planning on making more movies and want to make you wait impatiently another two years so you give them another $10. As far as I’m concerned, if you’re making a trilogy or two movies or whatever, make each movie its own damn movie. Make sure you have a story and a legit ending for every single one so that I can enjoy them on their own. If Terminator Salvation really has a cryptic ending that leaves nothing answered, it could seriously be a fatal blow for the whole damn thing, no matter how insanely good it looks. It is certainly going to be very interesting to see what they do.

Is Skynet smart enough to use the best parts of ourselves against ourselves? Can we trust the machine? Therein lies the rub and that’s what act three is all about. The ending of this film is elliptical. It’s going to make a lot of people mad and you’ll see lot of people scratching their heads. It’s not disposable, where you forget about it before you even get to the parking lot. It’s going to make you think.

Again, for a ton more great quotes, head over to the source and check it all out. Oh, and as promised, here are all of the sweet concept images. Click them to go large and enjoy!

1 Comment »

  1. sick.. its like Fallout 3 without the 50s ads…

    Comment by Siah — February 5, 2009 @ 2:07 pm

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