Since Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day finally came out in theaters on October 30, 2009, the goodies to report have been scarce. And Looking at the number in the title, you may think that this is a bad news post, but alas, this is not so!
All Saints Day had a budget of only $8 million, and with it now at the $11 million mark, that’s a big score for the film. Keep in mind, this is an indie movie, so it was only released in a maximum 500 theaters (as compared to the 3,461 theaters that giant movies like Avatar get), so this is a strong showing. In fact, these numbers now make Boondock Saints II the top-grossing film with a limited release in 2009 and Apparition Films’ top-grossing film of all time.
The real thing to watch in this sequel’s ten-year journey is the DVD release. Director Troy Duffy‘s The Boondock Saints came out in 1999, and since it discovered its cult army of a fanbase, the DVD has pulled in $50 million. This is where all involved in Boondock II hope and expect to make their big money, so it will certainly be interesting to see how it turns out.
No word yet on when Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day will hit DVD shelves, but considering the size of the film, it’s doubtful that they will wait too long before releasing it, much like Paranormal Activity recently did.
[Source: Variety]
Just like the first movie, it’ll make mad profits when it hits DVD.
Comment by Devon — January 15, 2010 @ 11:03 am