It’s been a little over a year since writer and director Troy Duffy said that The Boondock Saints 3 was still happening. Not much has transpired since then, but Duffy offered some new info recently.
In a Facebook Q&A session, Duffy shared an official title for the planned trilogy-maker, as well as some details on what the movie will be about. You can see what he had to say below, but be warned that there is a Boondock Saints II spoiler involved if you’ve not yet seen the sequel.
Duffy shared that the next movie in the series will be titled The Boondock Saints 3: Legion, and that the legion part of the title refers to the army of fans that now support the Saints. After the brothers MacManus, played by The Walking Dead‘s Norman Reedus and Sean Patrick Flanery, end up in prison at the end of the second movie, they go viral. Swarms of people who believe in what they do take to the streets to deliver vigilante justice themselves.
As fans know waiting for a Boondock Saints sequel can take quite a while, and these new updates don’t come with any information on when we might see the movie get made or released, but what do you think of the title and plot details?
[Source: Flickering Myth via Crave Online]
Worst film in history(considering how many idiots love it)
Millions of people feel that way.
Comment by Midas68 — September 4, 2014 @ 2:52 am
you know i had a great spiteful rant in defense of the film in reply to your stupid unintelligent comment,but I stopped and realized you probably think the SPYKIDS films were better so whatever-everyone has their opinion,but to say its the worst in history is like saying George Bush was the worst president in history and that is of course is not true..And to back up your comment that “millions feel that way”, well unless you are a god and can read a million folks heads to gather that opinion,I’m pretty sure that is an untrue comment as well..The film is not the Godfather or Scarface or The Untouchables however for a crime film its definitely an entertaining and thought provoking one.
Comment by vk at nyte — September 4, 2014 @ 11:29 am
Ahahaha, “You probably think the SPYKIDS films were better”
No, I wouldn’t be the typ of film viewer would would watch one spykids movie much less know there were more then one. and I’ve bought over 2500 DVD’s(as knowing about good movies was my business)
You could say it was entertaining in a three stooges kind of way. But thought provoking and the stooges do not go together.
Go look up the Many(and I mean Many) dissections of the films stupidity and you will have no defense beside stupidity.
Thought provoking huh, Yes everyone is entitled to there oppinion. But it doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck.
Comment by Midas68 — September 4, 2014 @ 6:02 pm
Troll Alert!! Midas68.. from an obvious idiot I thought they were Awesome Movies!! and I can’t wait for Legion..I’ve missed Connor and Murphy its time they resurfaced.
Comment by Stellarkitty66 — January 10, 2015 @ 4:08 pm
“Yes everyone is entitled to *their* opinion. But it doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck”
Uh… That was an opinion too, ya know…
And I’ve logically debunked every aspect in this film. No, none of it is possible. They would’ve been caught by the second murder scene (Rocco would have left his hair on the carpet in the hotel) but you know what? It’s my favorite movie. Regardless of how impossible and immoral it may be to you. So I’m entitled to my own opinion as are you, but stop trying to state it as if it’s a fact.
Comment by Joy Ellice — April 24, 2015 @ 9:53 pm
Just admit you got lousy tastes in music.
I know the whole, Attack of the Killer Tomatos cannot be proved to be a lessor film then Citizen Kane or Casa Blanca etc.
But those are debates for morons. The fact is there is a level of common sense that we bring to the table and yours is that of a childs who thinks scooby doo is the best thing ever.
Now we don’t argue with children because of this mentality, but most grow out of it.
Your point is that you could say Dog Crap tastes better then a Porterhouse Steak etc and yes in a way you are correct, but do you really want to argue that with a adult mind that they cannot defeat your “Dog Crap tastes the best” argument.
It’s not that they would have been caught, it’s that it’s a extremely silly and quite stupid film and most of it’s fans are not in on the joke.
Comment by Midas68 — April 25, 2015 @ 4:28 pm