I’m not big on this whole 3D craze, as those who read the site might have been able to tell. It works for some movies — like James Cameron‘s Avatar, of course — but there is absolutely no need for every movie made to have so many dimensions.
But as 3D is taking over your movie theaters, do not think for one moment that it ends there. No, no — there is indeed a fourth dimension out there in the great beyond, and the technology is well on its way as we speak!
Reports out of Seoul, South Korea share that 4D is no new thing to Koreans. Last year, they set up a special theater in one of their largest chains that would allow them to offer the perfect movie/ride combination, and began with movies like Journey to the Center of the Earth. Since then, they’ve added a few more of these specialty screens, and have been been preparing for Avatar since last summer. While these movies play, over THIRTY special effects are set to add this new dimension to your experience, including light water spraying, lights and lasers, smells such as explosions/gunfire, gusts of wind, and even moving seats!
These theaters aren’t the first signs of 4D experiences like this. After that terrible fire destroyed much of the Universal Studios lot, massive renovations were applied to make the attraction bigger, better, and more technologically advanced than ever before. This included a complete overhaul of the famed King Kong ride, which we discovered would be updated and returned to us in an amazing 4D presentation (Read: Universal Studios To Unveil New “˜King Kong’ Attraction In 2010).
Obviously theme parks like Universal Studios and others have been doing stuff like this for a while and it’s no new revolution; I can even remember going on a ride at a Jordan’s Furniture here in New England about 14-15 years ago that had moving seats, blowing air, and water while roller coaster and other simulation videos player. But as the 3D technology was being perfected, this has also been evolving for a while now, so it was only a natural step in our precious movie-going experience.
In Korea, a ticket for this costs $15.86, which is a lot compared to their normal $6.90 prices. Considering IMAX shows here in the states are already about that much, we could expect these to run $20+ a show. Although I’m not big on 3D, I have to say: this sounds like a hell of a lot more fun. To the point where I would happily spend $20 or more to check one out.
There is no official word on when we might see some of this brilliant madness in theaters here in the States, but according to the trades, there is a company called WonderWorld Studio that is specializing in these 4D cinematic experiences. Sounds like it’s only a matter of time before one pops up in LA or NY and then we see how it catches on.
So, our good readers, what’s the consensus? Would you rather have the 4D movie ride experience than the 3D one, or does neither interest you?
[Source: Variety]
I enjoy the 3-D movies if they are done with digital 3-D and not just the pop out effect like older movies or low budget films. However I do agree that it is going a little crazy with everything in 3-D now. If the movie was made for 3-D fine, but slapping it on after I don’t think will work as well.(Like Clash of the Titans) As for as the “4-D”(even though every movie is 4-D since the 4th dimension is time) goes I’ve been on some roller coasters like this and they were really fun and I can see this working in some cases, but not all. This would be a good opportunity for a movie in a first person mode. Until the time when they are available here in the U.S I will just wait and think of what will be next.
Comment by Rich — February 6, 2010 @ 1:27 pm
I only go see movies in 3d anymore, otherwise I might as well watch the movie at home. If they had movies like avatar in 4d I would definitely go see it. Low key movies like As Good As it Gets do not interest me in 3d or 4d. Just 2d for a romantic comedy for me.
Comment by Tony Robertson — February 6, 2010 @ 2:45 pm
Wait! They can control TIME now?!?!
Comment by Stromm Sarnac — February 7, 2010 @ 11:56 pm
I think it was expensive enough with 3D. But yes, it was worth the money, but 4D? Avatar’s runtime is like three hours, so watching a 3-hours-long movie in 4D will just be too exhausting in my opinion.
Comment by Jack Henrique — February 11, 2010 @ 5:06 am
Personally, I like 2D better than 3D. If a 3D movie has lame “crap flying towards your face” special effects, then it’s too tacky, but if the 3D is too subtle, then once you get entranced by the movie, you forget it’s there so the 3D’s pointless. However, I still see 3D movies sometimes, and I don’t hate it- I just like the traditional format better.
They already have these in the U.S. and Canada- it’s called D-Box. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-BOX_Technologies I guess this would work with the action sequences, but the seat probably doesn’t move in the “talky” parts of the movie, so when your chair starts to jostle you, the effect would again make you aware that you’re watching a movie, and it diminishes from the experience.
But I see how some people like it. I guess I’m just one of those people who has to get completely engrossed in the movie.
Comment by Ross — February 11, 2010 @ 9:21 am
If its anything like the 4D rides at Universal Studios Ill pass. The novelty of having water sprayed in your face or puffs of air blown on your legs to startle you gets old FAST. But for a 3 Hour movie????
Comment by mitchsn — February 11, 2010 @ 10:01 am
4D… Like time-traveling movies?
Comment by Bob the builder — February 11, 2010 @ 2:30 pm
3-D is a waste of time.
Comment by Frank — February 9, 2011 @ 8:14 am