Duck and Cover has gotten their hands on a bunch of new screenshots from Bethesda Softworks and Obsidian Entertainment’s upcoming Fallout: New Vegas. The first teaser trailer for the game was released last month, but these images are the first look at actual gameplay.
The game will be the fourth installment in the fantastic franchise that last delivered one of the greatest games ever made in Fallout 3, which was released in the Fall of 2008. This new adventure returns us to post-apocalyptic Las Vegas, and to a familiar area for fans of the first two games, which were set out west.
Throw on your vault jumpsuit, grab an ice cold Nuka Cola, and head on over to check out the new screenshots!
Obsidian was founded by many members of Black Isle Studios, who created Fallout and Fallout 2 for Interplay. Back then, Interplay Entertainment owned the property and when some complications arose in the relationship, they were forced to lay everyone at Black Isle off. Eventually, Bethesda acquired all of the rights to the Fallout franchise, and contracted Obsidian to develop this new title. Bethesda developed the best-in-series third game themselves, but will just be publishing Fallout: New Vegas this time around.
Considering how fast this game has come around (it will release this upcoming Fall), I had worries that it would not meet the standards set by Fallout 3, or even worse, that it wouldn’t be the same First Person Shooter-style that worked so well. I keep forgetting it’s already been two years since the last game came out, having only played it for the first time recently.
As you can clearly see here, there was no cause for alarm. Fallout: New Vegas looks to be a well-made and faithful follow-up to the Game of the Year-crowned third game.
Now, someone really needs to explain to me what in the hell is going on with Super Mutant Barbie down there.
Here are a bunch of the new screenshots from the new Fallout. You can also be sure to head to Duck and Cover for more!
Not having playing the original Fallouts, the fact that a couple of people from Black Isle are working on New Vegas doesn’t really impress me.
What does concern me is Obsidian is the same developer that gave us Knights of the Old Republic II and Neverwinter Nights 2. While I haven’t played KotOR2, I have had the extreme displeasure of playing NWN2.
Having experienced what Obsidian did to the Neverwinter Nights franchise, I will not be getting New Vegas, despite loving Fallout 3.
Comment by Scott Steubing — March 10, 2010 @ 9:37 am
The game have the same engine, grapich and gameplay.
Although some system changes have been made. Obsidian is making Fallout New Vegas to a little more first-person-shootery, making it more easliy aiming with the gun.
Just because Obsidian made Knight of the Old Republic & Neverwinter Nights 2, doesn’t mean that will have the same gameplay.
They have added alot of thing thats really great, for example Hardcore mode, weapon modification, gamble, more choises in the dialouge etc.
If you love Fallout 3 so much, you will love Fallout New Vegas, no doubt.
Comment by Pontus Johansson — March 12, 2010 @ 8:35 am