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E3 2010: Nintendo Revives Many Old Properties and Goes A Little 3D!
Merkader   |  

We’ve seen the big news from the other big gaming companies and during their Nintendo E3 Keynote week, we’re found out what Nintendo will have to offer in the coming year.

The first new game announced was one that I know I’ve been waiting a few years to hear about — a new Zelda game! Legend of Zelda, Skyward Sword. It has an updated look for Link, and controls with, as one would expect, the Wii motion controllers. The Wiimotion plus is used for movement and swiping your sword, while the nunchuck is used to raise your shield. There are other weapons including a slingshot, which did not go so well in the demonstration. We’ll see if the game control for distance weapons is as poor when the game is released.

Next up was Mario Sports Mix, this basically looked like a Wii Sports game but with Mario, which means I’m sure it will sell like crazy. Games include volleyball, basketball, hockey, and dodgeball. A full list of games was not released so we’ll see what makes the final list.

There was only one game that can claim credit for my low GPA during freshman year of college, and it was not a drinking game, it was Golden Eye. It was announced that Golden Eye is making its return. All the game modes from the original will be back. One BIG difference is that Daniel Craig will star in the game, so long to the Brown Haired Pierce Brosnan, and hello Blondie James Bond, which I’m still not crazy about. Coming sometime around the Holidays, only for the Wii.

Metriod Other M was also revealed, with some of the best graphics I’ve ever seen the Wii produce, really nice looking game, for the Wii anyway. Coming August 31st. Check out the trailer.

Now for the big reveal for Nintendo at E3, the Nintendo 3DS. See the video of the reveal below. Yeah it’s a DS and in 3D. It looks just like the original DS, touch screen on the bottom, the whole thing. They have added a slidepad for analog controls, as well as an accelerometer and gyroscope. Also new is the communication. Downloads and communication will now happen in the background regardless of that game you are playing. Kind of a nice feature. The biggest difference is no glasses needed 3D imaging. There is a slider on the side to turn the 3D on or off, or to just change the intensity of the 3D. Improved graphic capabilities also made on the device. The device also has two camera lenses so that it can take 3D pictures, which I’m eager to see what those will look like. All reports say that the 3D isn’t too bad, as long as you don’t move. If you move your viewing angle at all, the 3D gets kind of lost until you can look long enough until you get it back, kind of like with those 3D pictures that the fat guy in Mallrats couldn’t see. (A schooner is a sailboat.) This would be a massive drawback for a PORTABLE gaming device, if you need to stay as still as possible, does kind of defeat the purpose of the word portable. We’ll see if there are any improvements by the time the final release device is out.

Lots of games coming for the 3DS, including a new Kid Icarus, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Madden, Resident Evil, FIFA Soccer, and a few more. It’s difficult to say if all these developers are hopping on because it’s a truly good product, or just because they know that they’ll sell regardless, because well it’s Nintendo, and it’s a new DS. Rumor has it that the device will be out sometime before the end of March 2011, and the device specs will be tweaked before the final release.

3DS part one

3DS part 2

[Source: Engadget]

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