Video: If Guillermo Del Toro’s ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ Was Actually ‘Puns Labyrinth’
By The Movie God
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Thursday, August 26th, 2010 at 1:02 pm
For those of us who don’t understand Spanish and foreign languages, we rely on subtitles to watch and appreciate the great movies that come out of other countries, such as Guillermo del Toro‘s Pan’s Labyrinth for example. If not for the subtitles in that film, people like myself wouldn’t have a clue what was being said, and this is of course ripe for parody.
While skimming around Twitter recently, I saw a link posted by actor Doug Jones (who appears as Faun and the Pale Man in Pan’s Labyrinth), and had to share with you what was found by clicking said link.
The link led to a video by YouTube user AdamButcher, who decided to take a bunch of clips from Pan’s and alter the subtitles to create what he calls Puns Labyrinth. The video is clearly hit and miss with viewers (judging by comments), and it’s expected that you’ll either find it hilarious or completely pointless. In any case, it’s something to see.
Click over to check out the video now, but be WARNED: there are a ton of spoilers here, so if you have not seen Pan’s Labyrinth you should absolutely NOT watch this. Go see the film first (trust me), and then come back and have a peek.
Now, some of these are really cheesy and probably why a few folks don’t see the humor. Personally, I found myself giggling quite a few times at the overdose of puns, and if an actor who was actually in the movie got a kick out of it, that’s more than enough for me to share with all the other kids in class (you!). It’s really just the reactions of the actors in the movie that sell the use of the puns.
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Ack. It was indeed cheesy…but…I couldn’t help but giggle abit ><
Comment by kaoskongo — August 26, 2010 @ 10:26 pm