A new actor has joined the cast of Judge Dredd, the new adaptation of the original UK comic that has nothing to do with the cheesy 1995 movie. It’s being reported that Olivia Thirlby has signed on and will play Cassandra Anderson, a rookie with telepathic abilities who will work with the Judge.
We recently found out that Lord of the Rings and Star Trek star Karl Urban would be playing the title role after many rumors had pinned him to the role (Read: “˜Lord Of The Rings’ Star Karl Urban Confirmed As The New “˜Judge Dredd’). We’ve also learned that the new Judge Dredd will be directed by Pete Travis (Vantage Point, Endgame) and production will begin in Johannesburg, South Africa later this year.
The new Judge Dredd looks to get back to the gritty roots of the original mythology, promising a realistic and hard-R-rated new offering that should make fans of the comics and haters of the ’95 film excited to see what they come up with.
Thirlby is perhaps best known for her role as Ellen Page’s best friend in Jason Retiman’s Juno, but she has also appeared in titles like The Wackness, United 93, and New York, I Love You, with a handful of upcoming films in various stages of production.
The movie is written by Alex Garland, who has previously penned Sunshine and 28 Days Later for Danny Boyle, and has worked on a script for the Halo movie that has been relaxing in development hell for some time now.
[Source: Variety]
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