| Judge Dredd TV Series ‘Mega-City One’ Being Developed
It’s being reported that a live-action Judge Dredd TV series, titled Judge Dredd: Mega-City One, is being developed by IM Global Television and Rebellion. Set in a future where severe overpopulation has led to a massive increase in crime, law enforcers known as Judges, who possess the ability to legally act as judge, jury, and executioner as they see fit, are tasked with trying to maintain order. The show is aiming to be an ensemble drama about a group of Judges dealing with the many challenges their job comes with. You can read more on Judge Dredd: Mega-City One and see an early poster below.
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| Karl Urban Wants A ‘Dredd’ Sequel, Urges Fans To Sign Petiton |
By Groonk
| @
| April 8th, 2014 at 12:00 pm |

Dredd star Karl Urban took a moment while at Emerald City Comic Con to urge fans to sign a petition and like the “Make a Dredd Sequel” Facebook page. Urban has not been ashamed to admit his love for the severely overlooked 2012 film in which he starred as the titular character. The film received mostly positive reviews from critics. You can read more about the push for a sequel, find out where you can help, and watch the video of Urban urging fans below.
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| ‘Dredd’ Comic Book Sequel ‘Underbelly’ Immediately Sells Out; 2nd Print Coming |

When Dredd hit movie screens back in 2012, it was a theatrical flop, despite being a stellar translation of the source material from the ongoing 2000 AD comic, Judge Dredd, and Karl Urban doing an awesome rendition of the scowling, helmet-clad law enforcer. The film did finally find its audience once it hit the home market via Blu-ray and various streaming services. That being said, with a movie that only recouped $35 million of its $50 million budget in the theater, we’re not likely to see a movie sequel any time soon, if ever. However, the film has indeed received a direct sequel, just in comic book, and chronicles the criminal underworld moving in to fill the void left by the film’s antagonist, Ma-Ma, and her Slo-Mo drug. Originally released in serialized comic strip form in the UK via Judge Dredd Magazine, the series was collected as a one-shot titled Dredd: Underbelly and was set to be released in the United States in January 2014 via new publisher, Rebellion, which was created specifically to bring this book to the United States.
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| Bloody ‘Dredd’ Shootout’ Recreated With Puppets (Video)
If you’ve not yet seen the 2012 movie take on the Judge Dredd character, simply titled Dredd, you really should. Unless you’re easily put off by violence, in which case you should still totally watch it. It’s all cuddles and rainbows and sugary sweet treats, I swear. One particular scene involves a trippy slow-motion shootout in a drug den that’s bound to leave your jaw at least a little dropped. As part of their DIY Effects series, Epix decided to recreate this same scene, only using puppets. The results, which you can watch in the video below, are both funny and still pretty awesome.
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| Streaming Review: Dredd |
By cGt2099
| September 6th, 2013 at 6:35 pm |

Netflix | Amazon | Epix | iTunes | Vudu
DVD | Blu-ray
Directed by Pete Travis
Starring Karl Urban, Olivia Thirlby, Lena Headey
Originally Released: July 11, 2012
Dredd, the most recent adaptation of the hero/antihero Judge Dredd, who made 2000 AD the amazing comic book it was, was easily my favorite movie of 2012. Dredd is above and beyond that of the appalling version featuring Stallone in the 1990s, and though it has some faults, it comes with some of the most stunning cinematography effects and visuals, along with an exciting action chronicle that keeps your attention. For those unfamiliar with the lore of Judge Dredd, sometime in the distant future, the human race is recovering from some kind of apocalyptic event involving radiation. The surviving society in the remains of the United States gather together in megacities, originally established to remain sequestered from radiation, but since expanded to gigantic proportions with a massive population density.
...continue reading » Tags: 2000 AD, Carlos Ezquerra, Dredd, John Wagner, Judge Dredd, Karl Urban, Lena Headey, Netflix, Olivia Thirlby, Pete Travis, Wood Harris | |
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