Recently it was reported that Mel Gibson would have a cameo in The Hangover 2 that compare to Tom Cruise’s Les Grossman character in Tropic Thunder. Cruise’s role, as well as boxer Mike Tyson’s in The Hangover, helped to rejuvenate their careers after some troubles with the public eye, and it was expected that this might do the very same for Gibson.
Instead, we’re now hearing that complications have arisen, and Gibson’s cameo in The Hangover 2 has been scrapped. Director Todd Phillips wanted Mel for the small role, but it sounds like some of his cast and crew (unidentified) were against it, and the plan required halting.
When talking about this, Phillips said “I thought Mel would have been great in the movie and I had the full backing of Jeff Robinov and his team. But I realize filmmaking is a collaborative effort, and this decision ultimately did not have the full support of my entire cast and crew.”
I’m not sure who’s responsible for this all being called off, but it is likely for the best that they remain unnamed. It was very clear that movie fans all over were pretty excited at the thought of Mel Gibson having a hilarious cameo in the sequel to one of the best comedies we’ve seen in years, and stopping that because of a couple objections seems a tad extreme.
Brownie points to Phillips if this is all just a ruse to throw us off the scent and make the cameo even more amusing, but with that pretty doubtful, what do you think of the decision? Who could be a worthy replacement for a crazy cameo?
[Source: Deadline]
God forbid someone wouldn’t want their work associated with an attempt to revitalize the career of a racist and misogynist. SHAME on them for denying a few fans a chuckle. Who do they think they are?
was that sarcastic enough?
Comment by Acantha — October 22, 2010 @ 3:12 am
So it’s ok for Charlie Sheen to keep working? It’s ok for Tyson a convicted rapist? Who has treated women worse than those two? I was looking forward to the cameo. Gibson is talented and it would of been funny I am sure.
If you boycotted movies that have racists or misogynists in them you would have nothing to watch. Just because we know Gibson’s issues does not mean he is alone.
Comment by Frank — October 22, 2010 @ 9:26 am
Galifianakis has revealed himself to be a whiny, elitist douchebag. Not to mention hypocritical. Did he have a problem sharing the screen with a man convicted of assualt and rape?
Comment by Michael — October 22, 2010 @ 12:19 pm
The Russian bitch set him up,and extorted from him. Any man would cuss out some ho that did this to him.
Give the guy a break .
And if he’s a religious fanatic is held against him,I don’t see that being held against any kabbalist ,scientologist ,borne again christian or jew,in all of hollywood.
Double standard. They act like he killed someone.
Comment by Missy — October 22, 2010 @ 12:30 pm
Meh, I would hardly say Tyson’s career has rebounded as a result of his cameo.
And Missy, you don’t see that being held against any Scientologist? That’s the entire reason Tom Cruise’s career took a nose dive.
Comment by WordSlinger — October 26, 2010 @ 4:00 pm