If you’ve never seen Spike TV’s hit series, Deadliest Warrior, it’s a show that takes history’s great warriors and pits them against each other to determine who of them is indeed deadliest. Spartans have battled ninjas, samurai have fought vikings, the Mafia has taken on the Yakuza, and Green Berets have entered into a firefight with the Russian Spetsnaz.
In an exciting event for geeks the world wide, the network has announced a very special episode of the show where horror movie staples, Vampires and Zombies, will face off in an epic battle to determine who is deadliest.
You can learn more about the episode and watch a brief teaser trailer for it by clicking on below now!
The way the show works is, experts from the various warriors are brought in to help test whoever is fighting’s most effective weapons and strengths. With someone like the Spartans, their swords and spears and other weapons are used on ballistic dummies (complete with skeleton, organs, and blood), pig carcasses (which are very similar to a human’s flesh), and scientific data. At the end of all the tests, the data is inserted into a computer program and run a thousand times, determining whose skills and weapons would reign supreme.
Experts being used for this special Zombies vs. Vampires episode will include Max Brooks (World War Z), Steve Niles (30 Days of Night), Scott Bowen (Vampire Survival Guide), and Matt Mogk (founder of the Zombie Research Society).
As fun as it all sounds, I would assume this fight would be a little one-sided. But let’s see what you think; who wins this battle and why? Do zombies stand a chance?
I think this depends on which type of zombie the vampires are fighting against. Wonder if they’ll compare a shambling, Romeroesque zombie or something more kinetic like 28 Days/Weeks Later. If the former, I’d go with vampires for the win but if the latter, then I think the zombies would *at least* put up a valiant resistence. If I recall, aren’t most traditional (hollywood?) vampires the result of a living human being “turned”? I understand that vampires are already “dead” by most standards but I wonder about the potential for vampires being converted into zombies. Likewise, might it be possible to turn a zombie? This could be a fascinating movie! =)
Comment by Anonymous — March 11, 2011 @ 5:19 am
I was thinkin’ that very same thing
Comment by Anonymous — March 11, 2011 @ 6:15 am
If they’re using Max Brooks as an expert, then it’s definitely the slow shambler zombies they’ll be dealing with.
Comment by Brian Tams — March 16, 2011 @ 5:30 am
The thing with zombies is that their infectious. Basically a walking virus and if I remember Interview with a vampire correctly vampires can only drink “fresh” blood. So if they encounter a zombie and bite they get sick. But here’s the thing vampires are quick and smart. I don’t think it would take them long to figure out how dispatch a zombie. But your right on what kind of zombie. There are so many these days lol and I love the variety.
Here are the factors for me though. Despite what kind of zombie you have their strength is usually in numbers and vampires don’t exactly carry guns with them. I mean why would they? Like zombies they rely on their teeth. So trying to bite them is out the question. So is breaking their neck. If the vamp has some knowledge and the zombies don’t have too large a number it’s anyone’s game. I could go more into this but I think I’d give us both a headache lol.
Comment by LShard — April 13, 2011 @ 10:37 pm