As strange as it was to think that Darren Aronofsky””director behind indie hits like Requiem For A Dream, The Wrestler, and Black Swan“”was going to direct a sequel to X–Men Origins: Wolverine, it was still pretty intriguing to think about. But alas, Aronofsky eventually had to drop out of the project due to personal reasons, leaving the job open for another…but would they be similar to the departing Aronofsky or someone more suited to the comic book/action genre a Wolverine movie would play in?
Enter James Mangold, the new director chosen by 20th Century Fox to direct the sequel, titled The Wolverine. Mangold’s résumé does include an action flick””the recent Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz feature Knight & Day“”but the rest of his works are mostly drama–based with titles like Cop Land, Kate & Leopold, Identity, 3:10 to Yuma, and Academy Award winners Girl, Interrupted and Walk the Line under his belt.
For those who don’t know, the sequel will follow X-Men favorite Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) as he travels to Japan and gets involved with the Samurai.
Thoughts on the new Wolverine director? Any new excitement for the sequel or still very skeptical?
[Source: Heat Vision]
Aronofsky was a perfect fit for this and it is a shame he backed out because the material was right up his alley.
Mangold is a solid choice. His first film, Heavy, is a very good little gem of a film.Â
Comment by Jerry Dennis — June 17, 2011 @ 12:39 pm
Well, Origins was trash, but First Class got my hopes up for X-Men movies. I just hope they can join the Marvel Movie Universe already.
Comment by Justin Winley — June 19, 2011 @ 2:37 am