When your name is Christopher Nolan, you are about as popular as anyone in the world of film.
Toss in his work at WB, and it appears as though that studio is doing as much as humanly possible to keep him in toe. Variety is reporting that Nolan tops the list of directors being looked at for a new take on The Twilight Zone. Along with Nolan, names include Michael Bay, Alfonso Cuaron, and even hot commodity Rupert Wyatt.
Personally, while Nolan’s right-hand man, Leonardo DiCaprio, is producing the film, I don’t think it’s likely that Nolan will join this project, despite the freedom he seems to have post-Dark Knight Rises. Wyatt would be such a good choice, here, and is far and away my number one choice for this project. Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes was a great film, and proves that he’s a superb filmmaker.
What do you think?
[Source: Variety]
There is such a laughable difference in quality and talent between Nolan (great) and the other options, namely Michael Bay (not so great).
Comment by Cooper Carter — October 2, 2011 @ 1:37 am
I would LOVE to see Nolan reboot the Twilight Zone franchise! Â Though I would also love to see Joss Whedon or Russell T. Davis take on the project, too. Â Anybody but Alfonso Cuaron!
Comment by Lori Strongin — October 2, 2011 @ 1:15 pm