Talk about perfect casting.
Variety is reporting that Tommy Lee Jones has joined the cast of the upcoming film, Emperor, in the role of the stern General Douglas MacArthur. Jones as a cranky Army general? Yeah, that’s a bit of a stretch.
Joking aside, the film is helmed by Peter Webber, and will find Jones joining Matthew Fox in the project, which is a romance drama looking into the question of whether or not the then Emperor Hirohito should ultimately come to justice for the crimes he committed during WWII.
Personally, this sounds like an absolute winner. Save for the lack of solid films under Webber’s belt (Girl with a Pearl Earring, Hannibal Rising), the team of Fox and Jones should prove to be a fruitful one. Toss in a premise that fits both rather well (maybe not so much Fox, but Jones fits this sucker like a glove), and you have a film that I genuinely can’t wait to check out.
[Source: Variety]
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