They’ve done movies and they’ve done comic books, so it only makes sense that our favorite high-faith hitmen, the Boondock Saints, get their own video game.
Joystiq first caught wind of the game when it was revealed that cast and crew of the 1999 cult classic The Boondock Saints would be on hand at next month’s South by Southwest Interactive festival to make some kind of game-related announcement. Then the banner you see above was discovered on the website of Critical Mass Interactive, with word below it that they had been awarded the rights to make a Boondock Saints game by director Troy Duffy.
What type of game it will be is currently unknown. Critical Mass’s credits include everything from Ice Age, Disney’s Epic Mickey, and Rift, to Ultima Online, Turning Point: Fall of Liberty, and The Incredible Hulk (Xbox 360/PS3/PC). Their work ranges from art and design to animation and programming, and they are a licensed developer for Mac, iPad, and iPhone.
Basically this means that the Boondock Saints video game could fall pretty much anywhere video games currently reside, whether that be on your PC or console, or on your favorite mobile device. The image above would indicate the latter—though a mobile game does already exist—but it’s still too early to say for sure.
On what platform do you want to see the Boondock Saints game land, and what style game do you want it to be?
[Source: Joystiq, CMI]
Love the franchise, but Critical Mass Interactive is not a real game company, it’s a art contractor shop. It’s also been sued in the past for copyright infringement.Hopefully the Boondocks Saint crew will see the light and find a decent developer.
Comment by Anonymous — February 25, 2012 @ 8:44 pm
Yeah, the game would be bungled by these knuckleheads (Critical Mass Interactive). You have to go with a developer that has a good track record with third person action shooters–not just the ability to purchase the license. RockStar Games. Naughty Dog. RockSteady London. All these developers come to mind.
Comment by Warren_leezy — April 3, 2012 @ 4:38 pm