Hot on the heels of the first set photos from the Los Angeles location shoot for Star Trek 2 that were released over the weekend (you can check them out here and here) comes a new behind-the-scenes video from the shoot.
You can watch the video here below.
Here we get to see Zachary Quinto (as Spock) and Benedict Cumberbatch (as the movie’s still-unknown villain) battle it out in an intense action sequence atop some kind of craft or structure, the context of which is still being debated. The voiceover in the video is lame, like this clip was taken from one of those goofy TV star whore programs.
Director J.J. Abrams is present throughout the video, as are Quinto and Cumberbatch’s stunt doubles, but Zoe Saldana (as Uhura), who was packing serious Starfleet heat and looking futuristic foxy in the set pics, is noticeably absent from the clip.
Star Trek 2 opens on May 17, 2013. That title is bound to be changed. Any thoughts on what the sequel title should be?
Exclusive: Behind The Scenes Of Star Trek 2 by splashnews
[Source: Coming Soon]
I can’t wait for this film. The first one was fantatic. J.J. Abrams is the right director for this.
Comment by Paul Nandrajog — February 29, 2012 @ 11:44 am