Each and every week “Let’s Go Red Wings!” MK2Fac3 and “Clap! Clap! Clap, Clap, Clap!” Henchman21 read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. They look forward to some more than others, I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of their pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of May 2, 2012. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.
Comics rule everything around me. So, in believing in the mantra of C.R.E.A.M., it is my pleasure to tell you about a vast array of new comic books that are coming out this week. There are a wealth of new creator owned books coming out from Image, while DC Comics guides into the Night of the Owls. Meanwhile, behind the facade of an innocent looking bookstore, your local comic shop lets Marvel showcase the latest installment of their comic about heroes fighting each other, while Dark Horse collects some shorts from Dark Horse Presents and Valiant returns! Yes, comics, indeed, rule everything around me. Hence, we offer upon you the readers, The GoD List.
Action Comics #9 (DC Comics – $3.99): Dude. Dude. No, dude. Seriously, dude. Action Comics #9 features Supermen from parellel earths. Grant Morrison is writing it. Gene Ha is drawing it. Sholly Fisch is writing the backup and the backup art is by Cully Hamner. Seriously, this comic is going to be the one. Normally, it takes Morrison a little time to get comfortable in a title to let it’s story start to kick off in the way that we all want a Morrison comic to kick off. We’ve some bizarreness in previous issues, but that seemed more as a result of completed issues being turned in prior to press date. However, with this issue, the bizarre nature seems to be at the forefront. No, I’m only using the root word of bizarre as a simple way to describe the comic to those that don’t immerse themselves within Grant Morrison comics. In this comic, Morrison explores three earths with a threat that centers around President Superman having to stop a nuclear attack without leaving The White House. After all of these words that you have just read, I have no idea how you aren’t in the middle of purchasing a copy of this comic.
Epic Kill #1 (Image Comics – $2.99): I have no idea whether this comic will be good or not, but based on sheer anticipation, title, cover and description, this comic looks amazing. Just read this: an 18 year old super assassin named Song is being hunted down by mercenaries under the order of the president and she’s pretty much going to kill them all in an insanely awesome fashion. Oh yeah, and the president? He killed her parents. And yeah, after I just checked out some pages from Raffaele Ienco, I’m sure that I will love this book. That is exactly the kind of comic that I wanted to be reading at least once a month, so bring on Epic Kill!
Mind The Gap #1 (Image Comics – $2.99): Four words: Rodin Esquejo interior art. You may have seen his work on covers like Morning Glories and Hack/Slash, but in Mind The Gap, we get that gorgeous art throughout the entire book. And that’s the entire reason I’m buying the book. Now, it’s true that Jim McCann is a fine writer and the concept of a character stuck in a coma having to reach within her mind to pull out the secrets of her situation sounds really cool, but they had me at Esquejo. Honestly, I’m sure it will a good, well rounded book, and I’m sure it will sell out quickly, so make sure to get your hands on it and give it a try.
While the trade paperbacks of Animal Man, Locke and Key Vol. 4 , Batman and Robin, Vol. 3 and many more are coming out this week, I’ve made it a point to tell you whenever I see some Jack Kirby work on the horizon, so…
Spirit World HC (DC Comics – $39.99): I don’t believe I’ve read any of the comics collected in this book, but it’s horror and spooky stories written and drawn by several amazing talents. But obviously, the reason I want this is for Kirby. He is the king, after all, and when the king’s work is being collected, you owe it to yourself to pick yourself up a volume or two.
No trades this week as there’s nothing coming out that I’m very excited about, so I’m going to talk about four single issues, including three all new series. Besides, I have to get ready for The Avengers. Let’s do this thing.
Daredevil #12 (Marvel Comics – $2.99): Wait, didn’t Daredevil just come out last week? It did? So we get two weeks in a row? AWESOME! That’s all I really have to say about this issue. I mean, I’ve said before that Daredevil is one of the best books from Marvel. I’ve also talked about how great of a job Mark Waid has done of taking the character in a new direction while still maintaining threads to the previous run. What I haven’t talked about is artist Chris Samnee, who joins the art team with this issue. His style is quite different from Paolo Rivera and Marcos Martin, but should be well suited to the series. I know you’ve heard a lot about this series, so buy it already.
Smallville, Season 11 #1 (DC Comics – $3.99): I know that MK has already talked about this issue, but I felt like I should bring it up as well (ed. note: no I didn’t! In your face, Hench!). You see, while the Fac3 was a fan of Smallville and watched the whole series, I’ve never seen more than a few issues here or there. However, I have so much faith in the creative team of Bryan Q. Miller and Pere Perez that I am going to check this series out. Miller’s run on Batgirl made me a believer, and knowing that he worked on the show tells me that he is already familiar with the characters. He also has plenty of experience writing for comics, so he is the perfect person for this project. So basically what I’m saying is, don’t be afraid to check this out if you never watched Smallville. I hope that this is the first Superman comic that I buy for an extended period, and I have a suspicion it will be.
Dial H #1 (DC Comics – $2.99): So, here’s a book I’m not really sure about, but I’m interested in. Dial H is one of DC’s replacement books, or Second Wave of the New 52. The series looks to resurrect a property that DC rolls out every decade or so before low sales kill off the series fairly quickly. If you’ve never heard of Dial H before, the basic concept is that there is this magical device called the H Dial (crazy, I know) which is an old style phone that when dialed (crazy again, I still know) turns the user into a random superhero. This time around the series is being written by novelist China Mieville, making his (I believe) comic book debut. Now, I’ve never read any of Mieville’s books, but I was at a panel at SDCC a few years ago that featured him, and he made a bit of an impression. I think he’s capable of taking what has always been a bizarre concept and telling an interesting story with it. If he can make the transition from writing novels to writing comic has yet to be seen, and will go a long way towards whether this series succeeds or not. That said, I love crazy superhero concepts or something that takes the genre in a different direction, so I’m willing to check this out. Hopefully this series bucks the trend of the past and goes on for a while.
X-O Manowar #1 (Valiant Comics – $3.99): I have no great connection to the Valiant comics of the 90’s, but I know that there are people out there with long memories who remember those books. What I do have a connection to when it comes to X-O Manowar is the creators; writer Robert Venditti and artist Cary Nord. I’m a big fan of Venditti’s graphic novels, The Surrogates and The Homeland Directive, and I’m excited to see what he does with a monthly series. And then there’s Cary Nord, who was always amazing during his run on Dark Horse’s Conan series, and whose work I’m expecting to be just as amazing here. I don’t really know much about this property, from what I can tell, it’s a sci-fi story with a main character who gets trapped on an alien world and must find a powerful weapon if he has any hope of gaining his freedom. The description kind of reminds me of Conan, with some futuristic action thrown in for good measure. I think this is going to be a very cool series, and I hope this lives up to my expectations. I also hope that it lives up to the expectations of fans of the old series.
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