With a jetpack fueled by insomnia and an easily amused mind, It Came From The Interwebs scours and sifts through everything that has ever appeared on the internet (more or less) to find a few things that you should know about every week. These things come from the interwebs, hence the clever name.
This week, we return from riding on the back of Falcor to bring you the time lord jedi ninja of web junk columns, featuring: a stabby eagle, fruit rape, board game movie mashups, and another Lazy Sunday.
1. David the Gnome moves on up

Apparently, a family of elves who lives in a 30-ton boulder saved the life of a member of the Icelandic Parliament in 2010. As a thank you to these helper elves, the glue-huffing politician consulted with a “specialist in the affairs of elves” aka “The Elf Whisperer,” and decided to move the boulder onto his property.
[Source: Geekologie]
2. Lazy Sunday 2
Chris Parnell and Andy Samberg are back with another Lazy Sunday video on SNL. This time, they’re throwing back mimosas and taking in a show.
3. America: We will cut a bitch

4. Board game movie mashups

Monopoly: Revenge of the Fallen. The money never sleeps and the game never ends. Check out the others here (Full disclosure: I co-wrote and conceived this, but I mixed Twister and The Human Centipede, so it’s all good), as well as here.
5. Real Community RIP
“˜Community’ Creator Dan Harmon Fired As Showrunner By Sony

6. The Art of Movement — Tenacious D
Kyle Glass and Jack Black are back as Tenacious D! Check out this video for their new song “Low Hanging Fruit” and watch them molest the more high-class parts of the food pyramid. See you next time, you scruffy nerf-herders.
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