During a recent Megadeth concert in Singapore, frontman Dave Mustaine went full tilt goo-goo for Satan when he asserted to a confused crowd that U.S. President Barack Obama staged the tragic shootings in both Aurora, Colorado and at The Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in Oak Creek. This, according to Mustaine, was so that the President could justify a ban on guns. In the video taken from the concert, which you can watch below, Mustaine expressly states that the President planned these murders.
“Back in my country, my President is trying to pass a gun ban so he’s staging all these murders like the Fast and Furious thing down at the border and Aurora, Colorado, and all the people who were killed there and now the beautiful people at the Sikh temple.”
Mustaine goes on to say that he doesn’t know where he’s going to live if “America keeps going the way it’s going,” stating the the country is “turning into Nazi America.” The crowd appears to disagree with Mustaine judging from the tone of its roar, which included a few boos. One audience member can even be heard shouting, “Hey, we love America!” Mustaine’s response to the crowd’s reaction: “Be quiet.”
So let’s dissect Mustaine’s claims with a few facts, lest anyone out there get the idea that these remarks are anything other than completely deranged.
Operation Fast and Furious was just one part of a much larger initiative of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (or the ATF) called Project Gunrunner. It began in Laredo, Texas, in 2005 as a series of endeavors to trace automatic assault weapons across the Mexican border by authorizing local gun dealers to sell their guns in what would normally be illegal transactions. The idea was that this would lead the ATF to bigwigs in the Mexican drug cartel. It didn’t.
On December 14, 2010, border patrol agent Brian Terry was killed in a gun battle with suspected illegal immigrants. While two of the assault rifles recovered at the scene were actually traced back to Operation Fast and Furious, the bullet that killed Terry was too badly damaged to conclusively say that it came from one of the guns that had been sold through the gunrunning sting. As always, people tend to draw their own conclusions from this, assuming positions based on who they’d rather blame. Mustaine and other right-wing extremists prefer to blame everything on the centrist leader of the free world, President Obama.
On July 20, 2012, James Eagan Holmes donned a Kevlar suit, a gas mask, and bright red dyed hair before opening fire on an unsuspecting audience during a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises at a Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. After killing 12 people and injuring 58, Holmes was apprehended immediately as he casually strolled away from the carnage. In what must have been a totally chaotic scene in the darkened theater while a violent shootout scene played on the giant screen, eyewitness accounts as to how many gunmen there actually were do vary a bit, an overwhelming majority of the survivors state that they only saw one gunman.
Ditto the above paragraph in the case of known white-supremacist and U.S. Army veteran Wade Michael Page, who stormed the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin on August 5, 2012 armed with a semiautomatic handgun. Page shot six worshippers to death and critically wounded a police officer before shooting himself in the head.
Does this sound like the handiwork of a Harvard-educated lawyer, community organizer, and current President of the United States of America? Okay, maybe you’ve seen a little movie called Wag the Dog, in which a phony war is staged by spin-doctors in order to divert the country’s attention away from a Presidential sex scandal and now you feel that everything an administration does is suspect. Okay, fine. But there is also a system of checks and balances in this country, not to mention a whole lot of people with big mouths – people who like to be on TV. A lot.
Furthermore, could you even guess how many people would have to be involved in order to pull off a ginormous feat as staging these seemingly random lone gunman shootings just to ban guns? If we all put on our thinking caps for a second, we’ll see how dangerously stupid the idea is. The idea sounds even stupider when said to an audience in front of a live mic. And even stupider still when repeated in the media 80 trillion times, as the most salacious stories are these days.
In an interview with George Stroumboulopoulus on Canadian TV back in March, Mustaine made it quite clear that he’s also a birther, or one who believes President Obama was not born in the United States, by stating, “I know he was born somewhere else than America” and asking “How come he was invisible before he became whatever he was in Illinois?” Well, we could start by checking records, but apparently birthers do not believe records are enough. Um, what else is there?
Whether you agree with Dave Mustaine or not, the takeaway here is that those who are in a position to reach and influence the masses should count to ten before opening their mouths. Hate speech is on the rise once again in this country and I’m pretty sure it’s not being generated by community organizers. I don’t want to hate on Mustaine. I just want us all to research what we hear from those we admire and then form our own opinions.
Watch the video of Mustaine here below.
[Source via The LA Times]
Sorry, but that makes no sense.
Comment by Maurice Mitchell — August 20, 2012 @ 2:03 pm
Is Mustaine’s rant any crazier than the people who claim that the Bush Administration orchestrated the 911 attacks? I don’t think so. That’s not to say either supposition is right, just that people believe all kinds of crazy crap. Just because a guy has a microphone and a stage (or a web page) doesn’t give him any added credibility.
Comment by Dave — August 20, 2012 @ 2:31 pm
Megadeth was always at their best when their ideals were at odds with the perceived ideals of the Oval Office. They did their best work during the Reagan and Bush Sr. years. But then the band didn’t have quite so much to complain about during the eight long years under Clinton, and by the time GWB took office, the band was past its prime. Unfortunate, because if there was ever a president that gave a progressive, politically-minded metal band plenty of source material to rail against, it was Dubya. I don’t know what happened to Dave Mustaine since then. Maybe he’s decided that he can’t afford to wait around for another crappy president, and that throwing crazy accusations of conspiracy at the current president is his best option? It’s kind of sad to watch.
Comment by Andy Simmons — August 20, 2012 @ 5:50 pm
This just in: Dave Mustaine in need of psychiatric attention
Comment by Dave3 — August 20, 2012 @ 8:04 pm
Becoming a Born-Again Christian after he quit doing drugs and alcohol has clearly poisoned Dave’s mind more than any of the substances he once abused; because he’s turned into a sycophant for the Psycho Right. The same guy who railed against the Reagan and Bush Sr. and the arms race with “Peace Sells” and “Polaris (Rust In Peace)” and helped sign a bill into law with the Clinton Administration, now writes about far-right conspiracy theories with “United Abominations” and “Endgame”, and believes the UN is evil and will trigger the biblical Apocalypse! His newfound conservatism (and fascination with the paranoid ramblings of Alex Jones) is causing him to spew forth vile rhetoric and lies that are not only irresponsible and asinine but dangerous. While Dave is entitled to his opinion, I wish he would ditch the simple-minded religion and in the words of Frank Zappa; “Shut Up And Play Yer Guitar”.
Comment by MadMike — August 20, 2012 @ 9:40 pm
It never surprises me when DM says something stupid; It’s not like this is the first time.
Comment by Dillon Reid — August 20, 2012 @ 10:58 pm
So, I take it you are voting for Obama.
Comment by Wenram — August 21, 2012 @ 9:12 am
If you think Obama is a centrist, you’re sorely mistaken.
Comment by jbird669 — August 21, 2012 @ 9:28 am
Heartbreaking. Dave was my idol growing up. Kind of hate Metallica a little less for kicking him out.
Comment by Ratrider — August 21, 2012 @ 9:37 am
This is very entertaining.
Comment by Joeybombstyle — August 21, 2012 @ 11:25 am
Those Megadeth cds that have been sitting on my shelf really needed to go into the used cd store box. Stupidity Sells And He’s Buying!
Comment by Mega-Dunce — August 21, 2012 @ 12:31 pm
A man that actually has the balls to say anything….unlike the rest of the pathetic sheep U go dave!!!
Comment by Lorisin — August 22, 2012 @ 1:29 am
I’m with you Dave, anyone who thinks otherwise, is asleep
Comment by jr32jr — August 22, 2012 @ 2:15 am
Dave Mustaine of Megadeth has been incredibly critical of Barack Obama and very pro-GOP, lately… disappointingly so… for him and his band, that is… it’s amazing that the Republican Party, known for creating many issues with using the music of popular recording artists without permission (Van Halen, Twisted Sister, etc)., have not embraced Medadeth… I mean, can you think of better theme songs than Megadeth tunes for the Mitt Romney / Paul Ryan agenda than these melodious titles?
“Killing Is My Business… and Business Is Good!â€
“Set the World Afireâ€.
“Into the Lungs of Hellâ€.
“Holy Wars… The Punishment Dueâ€.
“Symphony of Destructionâ€.
“Countdown to Extinction.â€
“Foreclosure Of A Dream.â€
“Train of Consequencesâ€.
‘99 Ways to Dieâ€.
Comment by Bullies For Romney — August 22, 2012 @ 8:16 pm
Waahaahaahaahaa. This fool is still spewing that ‘Obama was not born in America’
Mustaine claims to be “a christian man” yet lied and accused
President Barack Obama of “staging murders” on foreign soil?
Well, no one will witness one teapisser, republiCON, birth-nut,
right wing-ding, or sole on the phony “christian” right suddenly obtain
characteristics like honesty, integrity or basic fairness and Dixie-Chick this
filthy, drug-ingesting, has-been.
Oh and please, please, please let no
one tell this ignorant, racist, piece of sh!t that the total number of guns
owned by civilians in Singapore is 22,000 compared to America’s 270 million. I’d
much rather he learned that little ditty after he moves there and ends up
getting caned up ‘n down his a$$ for smoking meth.
Comment by BlueEyes — August 23, 2012 @ 7:20 am
Anyone who thinks Dave is right needs serious psychological help.
Comment by Kareem Harper — August 23, 2012 @ 8:58 am