Bionic Man #14
Written by Phil Hester & Aaron Gillespie
Pencils by Ed Tadeo
Colors by Thiago Ribeiro
Letters by Simon Bowland
Covers by Alex Ross & Ed Tadeo
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: November 21, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99
The Bionic Man #14 features Steve Austin and Bigfoot. Do I really need to say anything else?
Phil Hester and Aaron Gillespie are REALLY turning things up a notch. For the first time, I’m getting the feeling that Steve Austin has a REAL personality and has a unique voice and character. And that voice and character is AWESOME!!! This issue is jam packed with goodness. You’ve got Steve Austin TEAMING UP with Bigfoot to take on a secret organization that builds robot Bigfoots. Yes, it’s as awesome as it sounds. The only thing that bothered me is Steve’s relationship with OSI and Oscar Goldman. Several characters state that Austin no longer works for OSI, yet he keeps going back there for repairs, missions, and other various things. But, that’s just a tiny glitch in what is a fantastic story.
Ed Tadeo has finally hit it!!! It took him a few issues to get in the groove, but he has arrived. The art in The Bionic Man #14 is fantastic and totally fits into the Bionic Man universe. The characters look great, the Bigfoot characters look great; he’s really improved in the past few issues by leaps and bounds. I’m really looking forward to seeing what he has in store for upcoming issues. He’s made this book his own, and, in my opinion, he can only get better.
Another great issue of this fantastic series! Let’s be honest, you all know that the Bionic Man holds a huge piece of nostalgia in my heart, but beyond that, this is a legitimately GOOD comic. Don’t brush it off as a comic based on an old TV show. Pick it up and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
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