In honor of the fiftieth edition of Disney In Depth – can you believe it? – I thought I would devote this edition to diagnosing you with “Disneyitis.” What is this condition? Well, it is when any of these 50 signs representing a Disney geek apply to you.
Continue below now to find out if you’re a true Disney fanatic.
1. You have more pairs of Mouse Ears in your closet than you do baseball caps (and you occasionally wear the ears when nobody’s around)
2. When giving someone directions, you use the Disney two-finger point (because you’re an unabashed Disney nerd)
3. You actually saw John Carter in the theaters (and liked the film, because it was awesome!)

4. You can claim you visited four European countries in one hour (thank you, Epcot’s World Showcase, for making that a reality)
5. You always purchase an on-ride picture of yourself (such as on Expedition Everest)
6. Your car is adorned with Disney window decals, license plate frames, antenna toppers, etc. (you may even have a Disney-themed license plate that nobody understands)
7. You refer to store employees as Cast Members (and they quizzically look at you afterward)
8. You have built a Disney castle out of Legos (turrets and all)
9. You have scored 999,999 points on Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters (because you know those special targets)
10. Your iPod is stocked with more Disney songs than anything else (would it be any other way?)
11. You cry whenever you watch Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (that ending is so touching)

12. You referenced Walt Disney during an important educational or professional speech (as I did during my Scottsdale Community College commencement address, because I couldn’t not make a Disney connection)
13. You see every Disney movie in theaters at least once (even if doesn’t look good, you still bought a ticket)
14. You hate how Disney has oversaturated the annoying version of Stitch (it’s too much)
15. You order a vacation-planning video for your next Disney trip (even though you already have one from your previous trip a few years ago)

16. You know what “EPCOT” stands for (and you’re not embarrassed by that fact)
17. When you host visiting family members, you feel tempted to sing “Be Our Guest” (“Try the grey stuff, it’s delicious. Don’t believe me, ask the dishes.” LOVE THIS SONG!)
18. You contemplate how Goofy can talk and walk, but Pluto cannot (this doesn’t make any sense)
19. You tend to whistle Disney tunes that other people don’t recognize (forget “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah,” you prefer whistling “Candle on the Water”)
20. You wish Jeremy Irons still narrated Spaceship Earth (his voice is so grand and soothing)

21. You have attended more than one Disney D23 event (D23 Expo, Destination D, it doesn’t matter)
22. You visit more Disney websites than any other topic (they’re also listed under your “favorites” so you don’t forget one)
23. You become irritated when people mix up Walt Disney World and Disneyland (there’s a big difference between the two)
24. When approaching lines at the parks, you always head toward the left queue (generally they’re shorter, but you become frustrated when that’s not the case)
25. You built a version of a Disney theme park on Roller Coaster Tycoon (you spent too many hours recreating Main Street, U.S.A., didn’t you?)
26. You have a countdown calendar until your next Disney trip (how many more days to go?)
27. You cannot understand how a Tron attraction still hasn’t been developed at the parks (we want to go in The Grid, now!)

28. You cannot visit Disneyland without making a wish at Snow White’s Grotto (drop a penny for good luck)
29. You still have the Mickey Mouse plush from when you were a child (and it’s completely intact)
30. You look to the stars for guidance from Mufasa (and realize James Earl Jones isn’t giving you advice from above, but rather it’s your parents begging you to come inside and act sane)
31. You have a moment of silence every Dec 15th (recognizing the date of Walt’s passing is important)
32. You collect random materials for your Disney theme park scrapbook (receipts, napkins, unused Fastpasses, whatever reminds you of your trip)

33. You have sent or mailed yourself a postcard from Castaway Cay (I need not explain what Castaway Cay is)
34. You can list the names of at least five levels in Kingdom Hearts (and you played all of them at least twice)
35. You cook Mickey Mouse-shaped pancakes, waffles, cookies or other treats (and you keep searching for more ideas)
36. You don’t talk about the “other” major theme park destination (hint: it starts with a “U”)
37. You watch Disney movie trailers just for fun when you have free time (and you have a special YouTube playlist with a bunch of them)
38. You would rather watch an old Disney cartoon than the latest episode of your favorite sitcom (they’re timeless)
39. You dressed up like Walt Disney during a class presentation (mustache and all)
40. You buy your friends Disney-themed gifts so they can get bitten by the Disney bug (“maybe this gift will convince them to go to the parks”¦”)
41. Your main reason in traveling to France would be to visit the Disneyland Resort Paris (forget the Eiffel Tower, you want to see the Earffel Tower at Walt Disney Studios Paris)

42. You know the name of the Abominable Snowman from the Matterhorn (and you love riding both tracks)
43. You think it’s a travesty Amy Adams wasn’t nominated for an Oscar for Enchanted (she received a Golden Globe nod, so this omission was entirely unfair)
44. Your phone ringtone is set to a Disney song – and you have different Disney ringtones according to the appropriate individual (your mom: “Mother Knows Best”)
45. You know how to recite the famous Monorail spiel in Spanish (and others look at you oddly when you do)
46. Like Peter Pan, you never want to grow up (though your age says otherwise)
47. You know the differences between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum (how many times have you watched Alice in Wonderland?)
48. You purchase grocery store items if they feature a Disney character on them (of course it will taste better, right?)
49. You know how to say and spell “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” (ta-da!)
50. You actually read this entire list (yep, you’re definitely a nerd, but love you all the same)
How many of these signs do you relate to? What are other indications of being obsessed with Disney? Share your thoughts and anecdotes.
Follow me on Twitterfor alerts of new editions of Disney In Depth, Thursdays on Geeks of Doom!
Does ending every bullet point with a parenthetical make you a Disneyphile?
Comment by Steve Paulo — May 23, 2013 @ 6:53 pm
I believe it would, Steve! Which signs could you relate to?
Comment by Brett Nachman — May 23, 2013 @ 8:01 pm
Seriously — learn how to use other punctuation.
Comment by PetuniaWrigley — May 24, 2013 @ 3:56 pm