The pint-sized terrors of 1984’s Gremlins may have made their last big-screen appearance back in 1990 in Gremlins 2: The New Batch, but thanks to candy bar Snickers’ ongoing commercial campaign where celebrities portray hungry personalities, the diminutive delinquents (well, one of them anyway) are back!
In a commercial recently broadcast in the United Kingdom and France, a Mohawk-inspired Gremlin laughs maniacally and tears apart a pillow as two hapless sods try to bring a fridge into an apartment. Only a Snickers bar, which is apt given Gremlins’ predilection towards candy, will satisfy.
You can watch the commercial below.
And yes that is an officially sanctioned Gremlin, even if it is in the sunlight, in all its old school latex glory terrorizing the screen. Though only for 30 seconds, it is nice to see a familiar face! Could this be an attempt to slowly get Gremlins back into active conversation ahead of a long-rumored reboot of the franchise by Warner Bros.?
This is not the first time Gremlins have made an appearance in a commercial. Back in 2008, a batch of Gremlins lead by the original film’s Stripe run amok in an office during another United Kingdom commercial for telecommunications company, BT. Admittedly, this commercial captures the personalities and chaos of Gremlins much better than the Snickers one. You can check out that commercial below as well!
[Source: iO9]
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