If you haven’t seen Tucker & Dale vs. Evil yet, you’re missing out on an extremely entertaining horror-comedy with plenty of big laughs and all the ooey-gooey carnage you’d expect from a slasher flick (watch the trailer here). The indie movie never really had a chance to shine for worldwide audiences on the biggest stage, but enjoys a faithful cult following thanks to home video, streaming services like Netflix (where you can still watch it right now; go on then!), and on demand.
It’s been four years now since the movie was first released, and while fans have surely asked about a sequel, not much has come of it. Not until now. At a recent horror convention, stars Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine were talking about the movie when they announced that producers want to make Tucker & Dale vs. Evil 2.
You can watch a video of the pair making the announcement below.
[Source: Bigger Show via /Film]
great news to start my morning…
Comment by talk0fn3wy0rk — March 27, 2014 @ 6:53 am