The Slanted Worlds
Obsidian Mirror, Book 2
Hardcover | Kindle
Written by Catherine Fisher
Dial Books/Penguin Group
Release Date: March 18, 2014
Cover Price: $17.99
Catherine Fisher left us off with the BIG reveal during the last two pages of Obsidian Mirror. It was cruel to make the readers wait almost an entire year to reunite with recluse Venn, fatherless Jake, Sarah from the future, enslaved Piers, trapped Gideon, tutor (or something else?) Wharton, Summer, the Shee, Janus, the wolf, the monkey (sorry–the marmoset), the seven cats, and of course, the Chronoptika, otherwise known as the Obsidian Mirror.
The Slanted Worlds, Fisher’s second book in this time journeying series, continues the battle for control of the Obsidian Mirror. Jake finds himself traveling 80 years back in time to 1940s London during the Blitz, forced to huddle in the Underground with bomb weary inhabitants, while searching for his father. There he is given a luggage tag by an old woman buried in the rubble who somehow knows his name.
Fisher draws you in like the black hole vortex of the Mirror. The story seems non-linear, yet continually propels you forward, dropping tiny clues that are almost like Easter Eggs–if you don’t read carefully or twice, you may miss them.
The Slanted Worlds gives you just enough answers to satisfy your knowledge thirst: Where has Jake’s father been? Why does Venn seem to be able to control the Shee? It also leaves you with more questions to keep you a slave to the tale: What happened to Moll? What will happen to Gideon if he leaves the Summerland? Did David survive? Her characters reveal their depth subtly and in slow motion, a gift to readers. Even the replicants seem sad beneath the evil.
So if you are in the mood to visit 14th century Italy at the beginning of the Black Plague, the far off future where existence is being sucked into a black hole, or the Wood where all time exists, just visit The Slanted Worlds.
Note to Catherine Fisher: please don’t make us wait an entire year before Book 3.

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