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Comic Review: Kill Shakespeare: The Mask Of Night #2
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Kill Shakespeare: The Mask of Night #2 review header
Kill Shakespeare: The Mask Of Night #2
Written by Conor McCreery and Anthony Del Col
Art by Andy Belanger
Inking assistance by Adam Gorham
Colors by Shari Chankhamma
Letters by Chris Mowry
Edits by Tom Waltz
Subscription cover by J.K. Woodward
IDW Publishing
Release Date: July 23, 2014
Cover Price: $3.99

Continuing from where we left off last time, the masked captain Cesario faces the oncoming threat of capture from a pursuing vessel, and betrayal at the hands of his own crew.

With the Lavinia in hot pursuit, the crew of the Boreas are trying to escape its ever-looming presence. Cesario’s desperate plans to evade the ship are met vocal distaste. The crew wants to go with a plan that has a higher chance of survival, while Cesario wants to risk everything on a plan that will end with him returning Juliet to the Prodigals. His plan to gamble with their lives creates festering thoughts of mutiny among the crew.

Through this, Cesario continues trying to convince his love, Viola to quit the ever dangerous life of piracy. Wanting her to live a peaceful life with him. This is in conflict with her own goals, to live her life as a pirate to the end of her days. His words falling on deaf ears, and it seems Cesario’s feelings could lead to his ultimate down fall in the end…

The art by Andy Belanger and coloring by Shari Chankhamma are both as clear, dynamic, and pleasing to the eye as ever, and the story by Conor McCreery and Anthony Del Col is dripping with tension.

Having read the last issue, I’m eagerly enjoying Kill Shakespeare: The Mask Of Night, and looking forward to when the next issue comes out.

Kill Shakespeare: The Mask of Night #2 cover

1 Comment »

  1. :D

    Comment by Gallen Dugall — July 30, 2014 @ 7:11 pm

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