Ghostbusters #20
Written by Erik Burnham
Art by Dan Schoening
Colors by Luis Antonio Delgado
Letters by Neil Uyetake
Edits by Tom Waltz
Covers by Dan Schoening, Tristan Jones & Roberto Goiriz
IDW Publishing
Release Date: September 24, 2014
Cover Price: $3.99
Whether we like it or not, all good things must come to an end. Ghostbusters #20 is the last issue of what has been a fantastic series. And, the epic conclusion of the Ghostbusters 30th anniversary story line, “Mass Hysteria”.
Erik Burnham wraps up this story, and series, in a funny, breath taking, uplifting way, as he always does. The boys are taking on both Gozer AND his brother, Tiamat. Ray is possessed, Winston’s in BIG TIME trouble, all around, it’s a typical Ghostbusters mess. And, in his usual fashion, Burnham makes it a lot of fun. As from the very beginning, the characterization is spot-on, and you can actually hear the actors from the film delivering the dialogue. There’s plenty of action, lots of humor, and it’s an all around great script.
Art wise, I think by now you all know I feel about Dan Schoening. He’s the kind of artist that you want drawing your favorite comic. And, every comic that you read. His art in this issue is no different from the high quality stuff that he’s turned in since his debut on the title: exciting, kinetic, just an over-all great looking book. His art captures the SPIRIT (no pun intended) of the characters without the distracting “drawing from movie stills” style that a lot of artists on licensed comics use. He’s got some especially great page layouts this issue. and the whole book flows seamlessly from first page to last.
OK. This is the sappy part. I want to take a moment and thank the three creators that have been with this book from the beginning: Erik Burnham, Dan Schoening, and Tristan Jones. All three of them have become friends over the years, and I thank each and every one of them for all the hard work they’ve put into this book, and wish them the best in what I KNOW will be bright futures in this industry for all of them. Thank you, gentlemen.
You know that next Ghostbusters movie that you all want to see? The one that rekindles your love for the films? That reunites the cast, gives us a great story, wraps everything up and gives all the characters a proper and fitting farewell? Folks, this was it.

I noticed IDW is releasing a Ghostbusters/TMNT crossover mini and it made me wonder ,is IDW going to do Ghostbusters mini series and one shots like they used to before the monthly started or are they dropping the characters all together?
Comment by Jay Maddox — September 30, 2014 @ 9:30 pm