Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #5
Written by Nick Abadzis
Art by Elena Casagrande, Alice X Zhang
Colors by Arianna Florean
Letters by Richard Starkings, Jimmy Betancourt
Covers by Verity Glass
Titan Comics
Release Date: December 17, 2014
Cover Price: $3.99
The beauty and wonder of Doctor Who is that each series has a unique flavor to the stories. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #5 follows the adventures of Ten right after he and Donna Noble part ways, and it feels every bit like a true David Tennant-era episode.
In the issues leading up to this one, the Doctor stopped by New York City and was drawn into a fight between aliens who feed on fear and were launching an invasion of Earth. They made their way here through the washing machines at Gabby Gonzalez’s family laundromat, and she soon teams up with the Doctor to fight off the invasion. Once that’s taken care of, Gabby joins the Doctor on a trip to Ouloumos where she can join a creative community and flex her artistic skill. This, in true Who fashion, gets her mixed up with an alien that has a viscous clone trying to destroy the art gallery, the Doctor, and Gabby.
Where the book really shines is its depiction of the aliens and planets that the Doctor and Gabby see. Scenes taking place in the art gallery, which is itself a living thing and therefore constantly shifting, are handled in a surreal way that is fun to watch. As for the Doctor himself, the writer, Nick Abadzis really captured Ten’s little quirks and mannerisms. You could practically hear Tennant’s voice in some of the dialog. The story is just as fun and energetic as any the show makes. Overall, this is a great companion to the series.
If you’re a fan of Doctor Who, especially Ten, definitely give this series a read. If you’re new to the series, and want a quick introduction before diving into the main show, this book would provide a great starting point. Either way, you’re sure to find that this book is fantastic.

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