The Rocketeer: The Complete Adventures
By Dave Stevens
Coloring by Laura Martin
Lettering by Carrie Spiegle
Volume 1 art assist by Jaimie Hernandez
Co-writers of Volume 2, chapters 2 & 3: Danny Bilson & Paul Demeo
Volume 2 art assist by: Art Adams, Geof Darrow, Gary Gianni, Mike Kaluta, Stan Manoukian, Sandy Plunkett, and Vince Roucher
Volume 2, chapters 2 & 3 covers by: Dave Stevens and painted by Dave Dorman and Paul Chadwick
Edited by Scott Dunbier
Collected Edition by: Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon
Cover by Dave Stevens
IDW Publishing
Release Date: March 18, 2015
Cover Price: $19.99
The Rocketeer: The Complete Adventures is essential to your comic book collection. Reviewing a book like this is super hard. It’s all classic material, every bit of it. But, I’ll do my best.
Dave Stevens is a talented writer. He was a HUGE fan of this era of history, and it shows. Even though this material was written decades ago, it still applies and connects with the reader today. In this age where people watch movies and television shows and basically live their lives on their phones, it’s nice to visit a simpler time. One where the world was a lot bigger. People actually used their mouths to talk to other people, having conversations that lasted an afternoon, and were not limited to 140 characters. These adventures of Cliff Secord and the mysterious jetpack that he found will make take you from the edge of your seat, put you through the full gambit of emotions and give you the greatest gift that a story can give you: Hope.
As an artist, Dave Stevens is the guy that you want to draw every comic that you read. But, there’s also a side of me that doesn’t want him to draw any story that isn’t set in the 1930s and 1940s. Besides comics, Stevens storyboarded the game-changing music video, Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” and he was asked by Steven Spielberg to do presentation boards for Raiders of the Lost Ark. These adventures are artistically thrilling, beautiful, and stunning all at the same time. Stevens renders every panel with artistic genius, but let’s face it, the best panels in the book are the ones that feature Betty.
Again, this book is essential to have in your comic collection. It’s a book that you can pick up and revisit at any point and you’ll instantly be transported back to simpler time, and you’ll be lost in the adventures of The Rocketeer.

The release date I am seeing everywhere is March 31, not March 18.
Comment by jbird669 — March 19, 2015 @ 1:32 pm