Despite Transformers: Age of Extinction being one of the lowest grossing of all the live-action Transformer films, the franchise will be getting a fifth installment. Recent news of the franchise forming a story trust to expand for possible crossovers (though not one with G.I. Joe) would allow for endless – yet possibly mindless action-filled possibilities. We’re not really sure what to make of Transformers 5, due to the fact that development on the film has been inactive. Now we are getting word that Hasbro is eyeing Transformers 5 for a 2017 release.
Transformers World was the first to report on news, which came from an Investors quarterly meeting. During that meeting Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner said,
Our plan with the studio and filmmakers you may have heard some writers being hired and we have in fact brought in Akiva Goldsman to lead a group of writers to really create a strategic plan around Transformers. We think there are any number of stories to be told from the brand that has been around for 30 years with amazing canon and mythology. We would expect the sequel to the Transformers movie [TF4] to happen in 2017.
As previously reported, Akiva Goldsman, Michael Bay, Steven Spielberg, and Lorenzo di Bonaventura are the executive producers/brain trust who will carry out this strategic plan. Think of it as the same story/brain trust that Marvel and Pixar have established.
Now it’s important to note that they are expecting to release Transformers 5 in 2017. The previous four have been released in/around late June or early July, and looking at the schedule, if the film does take one of those dates, it will have to contend with Wonder Woman (June 23, 2017), Despicable Me 3 (June 30, 2017) or Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (July 7, 2017). Probably not one of the films you’d want to go up against, so expect Hasbro to steer clear of them while staying within the summer blockbuster movie season.
Hasbro has yet to make an official announcement, this gives them time to find a director, maybe make Michael Bay an offer to return to direct. Though he is currently in pre-production for his Bengazhi film, 13 Hours, having that year-long opening would give him time to finish his film before jumping back into Transformers 5.
[Source: Transformers World]
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