The little game that could (which also happens to be the largest game ever made in terms of sheer size and how long it would take you to travel from one side of the map to the other—hint: if all works out it will not be possible) is back! We’ve seen a whole lot of great stuff when it comes to No Man’s Sky, the unbelievably gigantic space exploration game from the small team at Hello Games, and the game was in attendance at E3 2015.
Previous previews we’ve seen have mostly been pre-made videos of how the game looks and works, but this time around Hello Games founder Sean Murray took the stage to play the game live for the first time. In the short demo, he shows space combat, destructive environments, sentinel planet protectors, beacons, and more. He also offered yet another reminder of just how impossibly big the game is. If you’ve not seen much of No Man’s Sky, you won’t believe it’s a video game that can work watching the videos below.
Click on over to the other to check them out.
[Source: gameslice]
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